Episode 30

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Cheer up Clara. I consoled myself and just then the cook brought my food into my room.

" here madam. It's better to eat here, it's not okay to eat alone at the big table " she said

"What about sir Ryan" I said

" he said he wasn't hungry " she said

" ok thanks" I said and she left

I was trying to eat but I kept thinking about Ryan, I mean he is on drugs but I noticed he doesn't eat well. Now today, I wonder why he is not eating

I covered my food then I looked out my window, seems his room is locked

I just focused on eating , until I heard the sound of the piano. I hastily rushed out of my room, I ran up his stairs smiling happily

I enjoy it so much when he plays

I smiled then I sat on his door, I hope he doesn't catch me. I also hope he is not seeing my shadow.

Listening to the sound took me back to the first day I met him, I can't believe I tried to slap him, I smiled

Just then the door opened and my eye widened. He looked at me quietly, then He walked inside leaving his door open. I happily rushed into his room.

I bowed then I gently sat on his bed.

I watched him sit on his piano table, he looked so pretty.

My sweater was way to big, the hand even burried my hand. I smiled happily regardless, his room smells so nice just like him.

"Why did you cry" he said testing the keys. I picked my pen to write

" just talk" he said , I gently moved my hair behind then I nodded.

"Well sir. It was the matters of the heart" I said

" did you get dumped " he said

" well. The thing is-

"You shouldn't cry because of a man tho. You are pretty, you are just dirty " he said , my eye tore.

Did he just call me dirty . What!!!!!!

"Sir I-

" well It's always going to be like this, they would leave you after they get what they want. no one wants to stay with someone Like you for a long time " he said my eye widened.

Someone like me, hey!!! Is he adding insult to the injury . What if I just slap Ryan and go back home ... 😡

"sir, what's wrong with me " I said and he looked at me

" everything." he said and my body shaked in shock. How is Anna dating someone like this.

" thank you sir" I said in a frown. Now I really wonder why I like you.

"is there a song you like"he asked and I blushed. I nodded happily in a smile

" letter of Apology by John hart" I said and he nodded

" come here" he said and my stomach stirred in sweetness.

I stood up then I stood in front of him.

He took my hand then he made me sit on the chair facing the piano table. Just that touch , I almost melted.

I sat quietly, then I looked in his pretty blue eyes . What amazes me more is the dark lining around his iris which makes his eyes so attractive.

I watched him play the keys.

🎵you always smile so bright, when you smile at me
🎵I was carried away, yes I was carried away

He sang calmly and I smiled, he started from my favorite verse

🎵then when you call my phone line and tell me John have a goodnight sleep
🎵I was carried away, yes I was carried away

He sang then looked at me, I blushed hard.

🎶 I apologize for loving you like a fool
🎵a poor man who has nothing to offer you.
🎵I apologize for wanting you every day
🎵baby, I was just carried away.

He stopped then looked at me, I smiled happily then I wiped my tears. He didn't even sing half the song but I enjoyed it.

" there. Don't cry anymore. " he said
I nodded in a smile
" I won't cry anymore sir" I said

He stood up then picked his phone. He brushed his hair behind before lying on his bed.

I knew that was my sign to leave but - can I stay. I smiled happily. I stood up. turned off the light then Then I walked out.

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