Untitled Part 20

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Chapter Twenty

She stopped after a few swallows while I continued slugging until the glass was almost empty.

"Jesus Donnigan, you almost finished the whole damn glass! That was like...six ounces of liquor! Hundred proof!"

"Look, I need it, okay."

"So what's going on? Cannon told D.D. he wants to kill you, there's something about Sarah, Bear's been mumbling about some secret confidence and I'm sitting here right now telling you I don't know what the hell is going on!"

Cannon. Wanting to kill me. Wanting to kill me.

"So he does want to kill me. I knew it. I don't know what to do anymore, Lore. Cannonball's my best friend, closer than D.D. or Bear or any of the other guys, ya know... and...and...well...goddamn it...I think I'm falling in love with Sarah! Ok, there, I said it!"

Laura, who'd been holding her glass at mouth level, relaxed her arm, letting the hand and glass descend as one as if lacking in muscle power to follow through on the motion. The glass landed softly on the middle cushion of the couch, a DMZ between us.

"Wow Donnigan. I wasn't expecting that. You and Sarah are in love? She's been unusually secretive the past month. I knew you guys were seeing each other. I also knew to keep my mouth shut. Because of Cannon. But I didn't know it was to this degree!"

"I haven't really talked to anyone till right now, with you, on this couch."

Her hand inched closer to mine. Was she hoping I'd hold it?

"Word on the street is that you sure did tell someone before me; you told Cannon!"

I paused to finish off the glass. Shaking my head, I said, "Yeah. That was a terrible plan. I wasn't thinking. I was high."

Laura got up, retrieving my glass, and headed to the kitchen, still trying to absorb the revelation. She was back in a minute with another full serving. I took an immediate slug. The stuff, whatever it was, slid down my throat like hot spicy sauce with a kick. It burned like a mother but it made me feel alive and invincible.

"I worship everything about her, Lore, her confidence, her individuality, her intelligence." I looked down at the floor, my eyes losing focus. "At first our secret was all I looked forward to at school. I couldn't wait to be with her. And then everything went strange and I was too honest with Cannon. And now it seems I might've lost my best friend. I dunno."

I took a solid swig. Laura seemed to ponder my words. Her hand crawled another inch or so towards my hand.

"Cannon originally made it clear he wanted her for his own; Sarah told me when we escaped The Crew at Lorenzo's that first night. I should've listened. I should have listened."

I took another hit of the drink.

"Jack," Laura said. She placed her drink down on the table in front of us. She seemed nervous. At last, she gripped my hand. Her palm was warm and sweaty. What were we doing? "There is something you should know."

Holy crap. She had a thing for me too? I mean, seriously? Three girls? It was outrageous. Was I honestly going to risk everything to hook up with Laura? D.D.s girl? Was I going to be disloyal? Was I going to betray the second in command, the guy who'd brought me in? The guy who'd led me to Cannon and my new life? Fear gripped me. I wanted her, though. Or did I? Was I just buzzed and confused? Was I only lonely? How could I reconcile this?

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