Welcome to Heavens Arena Ch. 25

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Hisoka felt a single tear roll down his cheek before disappearing. He certainly wasn't expecting that, 'but it felt ... good', Hisoka concluded before wrapping his other arm around Kiyotaka and giving him a gentle squeeze bringing the boy as close to him as possible, taking his own whiff of the boy, making sure to never forget this moment or his scent.

They rested like that until they got to heavens arena. Kiyotaka was quite impressed by the shear size of the building. His Japan had sky scrapers, but the building towering in front of him, according to the knowledge of his home world, should by impossible, a pipe dream, yet here he was. In a twisted way it gave him the slightest bit of hope, what was thought impossible was now possible, including him gaining his humanity. It was the one thing he's been chasing after while simultaneously having to fight to survive and protect his freedom. Only once his freedom was secured would he have let himself weaken into his new human mentality, but as soon as he saw the finish line, he was falling from 600 plus feet in the air. Upon reflection though, he realized he could also view the situation as the finish line being moved closer to him. As far a she knew, his father couldn't get here, nor could anyone else. He could make this world his own. That's the sliver of hope he keeps seeing in his periphery.

Hisoka got both him and Kiyotaka signed into the arena. "you're number 1487, I'm 1486" "Ok. So I just fight when they call my number?" "Yup! Oh and keep them short, we need to get to the 200th floor if we want a place to sleep tonight." "Sure." While they were waiting in what, to kiyotaka, was like a boys locker room, smelly, messy, and finding an array of things in the most unexpected places, a voice came over the loud speaker. "Number 1486 and 1378 report to arena area 2 in 10 minutes." "Well, that's my cue kitten~ meet me at the place we fist signed in at 6:30 not a moment latter." "yeah ok" "Such a cold farewell! You really know how to tug on someone's heart strings!" Hisoka poked at Kiyotaka as he left to fight. It only took a few minutes before Kiyotaka heard his own number over the loud speaker. He took his time going to the arena. When he entered the ring he saw a man that stood at about  5'8 but still decently taller then himself and had a chubbier look, but Kiyotaka could still tell the amount of muscle he had, he'd turned his fat into a shield of sorts. From this Kiyotaka could deduce a number of things. His opponent most likely tried to surprise his opponent by attacking fast and right away, the fat would allow for less reproductions should his opponent be ready, that is assuming there were no weapons which was the case on the current floor. With the way his opponent adjusted his clothes, Kiyotaka could tell that this person was left handed and the stance taken meant that he'd charge with a left hook aimed at his jaw.

The man was on his back in less then a second. Kiyotaka had dodged the left hook, gotten in front of his opponent and used his hips, back, and his opponents own momentum to flip him on his back and, in one swift movement, go down to a knee and deliver a knock out blow to the jaw before standing up and backing away. The fight ref. walked up and gave the fight to Kiyotaka along with a slip of paper telling him to advance 100 floors. He was waiting for over half an hour on the 100th floor, but his number was finally called again. This time he took less time to get to the arena, board from the first fight and wanting to get this over with. Kiyotaka was slightly surprised when his opponent was boy not much taller then himself. The boy had short, straight, black hair and an undercut. Despite also having a delicate face, he was in far less feminine clothes then himself. He had on baggy pants with a loose, off the shoulder top and a black muscle tee underneath. They stood opposite each other and were given the go ahead by the ref.

Both stood there staring for a few moments before Kiyotaka saw his opponents calf tense slightly. Kiyotaka was ready for the attack that happened a split second later, but was pleasantly surprised with how fast his opponent was. He was certainly better then his last opponent, maybe he took take a little more time to play before he had to end it, he wanted to enjoy himself after all. That's exactly what he did, the two exchanged blows at high speeds, Kiyotaka currently had 2 strike points while his opponent had zero. Despite Kiyotaka still having to hold back, this fight definitely allowed him to have fun, he even debated thanking the kind boy afterwards. It was for this reason that Kiyotaka got 10 strike points instead of going for an instant win with the knock out. It was the right choice. After the match was over, Kiyotaka bowed sincerely to his opponent to show his gratitude before turning to make his way to the 199th floor he'd just been assigned to.

Kiyotaka felt someone following him all the way to the next floor. He also knew that, that someone was his most recent play thi- opponent. Before he could open the door to the waiting room, he felt the boy reaching for him, and the curious Kiyo let him. The boy 'slammed' Kiyotaka into the wall next to the door and starring him in the eye. Kiyotaka starred right back, if there was something this person wanted they would have to use their words. "How did you do that?" "Do what? Beat you?" Kiyotaka sassed back, annoyed it took the boy so much time to speak up. A look of surprise crossed the face of his current aggressor. "You're a guy!? With a body like that?! Well, I guess that doesn't matter, no! I was talking about the dope drop kick you used! If anything it's even more impressive know that I know you are a guy, you're mad flexible!" This threw Kiyotaka off, he was deadly accurate when it came to reading people, with the exception of Hisoka, but this came out of left field. He guessed it was because he didn't expect to be complimented, something he was still getting used to. "Thanks I guess. Umm ... well, I kind of just did it, I don't know how to explain how in a way that you couldn't gather by observing?"

Kiyotaka didn't get another word from the boy, instead his two hands found there way to his cheeks, they were slowly inching up before tentatively removing his hood. The boys eyes were practically sparkling, Kiyotaka only looked up at him blankly. It was while he was waiting for the boy to step back that he felt himself being lifted into the air, and finding himself sitting on Hisoka's shoulder. With his voice dangerously low, Hisoka asked, "And who might you be~?"

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