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I woke up and stretched. While stretching I realized I was still on the couch. A smile spread as I remembered what went down last night.

I felt around and realized Kassidy wasn't on the couch. I slightly opened my eyes before getting them adjusted to the sunlight coming through the blinds. I got up and started calling her name. She wasn't answering nor I didn't see her. Then, I realized her phone, keys, and wallet was gone. I was very confused. I grabbed my phone and called her. I waited for her to answer as I tied my robe. She ain't answer so I called again and still no answer. Wtf

I called Ke, and she answered on the 4th ring.

"Hello..." she said in a sleepy voice

"Hey, I'm sorry for waking you..." I said

"You good, wassup??" She asked

"Have you talked to Kassidy??" I asked

"Not since yesterday, what going on??" She asked

"She stayed with me last night and I woke up to her gone. I've called her and she ain't picking up..." I said

"Y'all ain't get into an argument did it??" She asked

"No, we were good last night..." I said

"I don't know, let me see can I get her and I'll call you back..." she said before hanging up

It was very strange for her to not answer my calls cuz she always answered.

The lights were back on and I blew out the candles that were still lit up. I grabbed my clothes off the floor and went into the room. While putting my clothes up I realized that her duffle bag that she keeps here was gone. I was very confused cuz why did she take her things? I called her phone once more before I had to get ready for work. I showered, did my hair, and little makeup, and put on my clothes. Ke texted and said she said she was working. She answered for her but not for me. I decided to leave it alone for now. I finished getting ready and headed out. I was on the way to work just thinking about what happened for her to act like that. We had an amazing night, and we were good before that so I don't know.

I finally made it to work. I know I said I was gone leave it alone, but I couldn't. I called her once more and she didn't answer. So I sent a text.

Me: it's the fact that I've called you 4 times and I haven't gotten an answer. I sent Ke to get in contact with you and you talked to her. If you don't wanna talk to me that's cool, but at least tell me what I did wrong or if you are okay instead of ignoring me. It's really childish.

I sent that text and left it at that. I got out of my car, grabbed my things, and headed to work. I walked in and saw Harlow and Carol standing in the lobby.

"Heyyy..." I said walking up to them

"Hey Hun..." Carol spoke and Harlow waved

I gave them both a hug.

"What are you guys doing here??" I asked

"A meeting..." Harlow said

"I didn't know we had a meeting today..." I said

"Not with you darling, with your boss. We told him to leave you out cuz I don't want you to see how imma act in that meeting room..." he said

"Ohh okay..." I said nodding

"How have you been??" Carol asked

"I've been amazing..." I said

"That's good, you look amazing..." she said looking at me smiling

"She looks glowy..." Harlow said and she nodded agreeing

"Really??" I asked

She both nodded making me smile.

We talked a little more before the meeting started and I went up to my office. I sat my things down, sat in my chair, and started my work.

I really didn't do much today. Answering emails, filing, booking appointments, etc. It was my lunch time and normally I'll be otp with Kassidy while I ate, but since she's acting like she is, I'm eating in silence. After eating I got back to work until it was time for me to get off. I stopped and got myself a loaded potato with a lemonade before heading home. While in my head I was going to leave it be but Kassidy had me sooo fucked up. I did a U-turn in front of my subdivision and headed to her place. It didn't take me long to get there. I pulled up her car was in the driveway, along with Arya's car. I parked my car and got out. I felt my food stuff in cuz I might just be going home tonight. I went up the driveway and started knocking on the door. I knocked again and Ke answered.

"Where's your cousin??" I asked

"Right there..." Ke said stepping to the side and I walked in

She was sitting on the couch looking at the TV.

"Oh wow, look, she's alive..." I said very sarcastically with a fake ass smile

She shook her head before looking at me.

"I'm bout to go get Arya from work, soooo. Call me..." she said looking at Kassidy as she picked up the car keys

"Whatever..." she said

Ke left out and closed the door behind herself. I was still looking at her as she sat still looking at the TV.

"So you don't have anything to say to me??" I asked

"I'm not ready to talk about it..." she said softly

"So instead of you telling me that something was wrong with you and you wanted to be alone. You decided to ignore me all day. Not a text, a callback, or nothing..." I said looking at her

She just looked at me without saying a word.

"Okay..." I said before grabbing the doorknob

"Babe..." she said but I went out the door and headed to my car

She came out the door and walked up to me.

"It's not that ignored you, I just didn't know how to say what I needed to..." she said

"So you don't know how to communicate and tell me you were fine, you just needed time. Was that hard to explain to me..." I said
"I was worried, Kassidy..."

"I'm sorry..." she said grabbing my hand

I sighed and looked at her.

"You had all day to text even if you didn't wanna talk and I got nothing from you after several attempts..." I said

"I know and I'm sorry..." she said

I looked at her.

"Well, I still feel some way about you not talking to me all day and ignoring me. I saw you were fine, so I'm going to go home..." I said before opening my car door

"So, you just going to leave..." she said

"I mean you haven't talked to me all day so why do you want me here to not talk to me??" I asked looking at her
"I'm leaving..."

Should Winter stay or go home??

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