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I drove home with a smile on my face.

The conversation we had was nothing I'd experienced before.

The way she looked at me made me all shy and it gives me butterflies.

The way her lips felt on mine made me want more of her.

She made me feel a lot of things even with the littlest thing she do. I can't describe it, but I know I love it.

I finally made it home and I did not wanna go in there. I wanted to stay in that car with Kassidy forever.

I stayed in the car for a while before getting out. I grabbed my things, got out, locked up, and went into the house. Clark wasn't on the couch so he was in the room. I went upstairs to the room and he was sitting up with the light on. I walked in and put my purses up.

"Hey..." he said

"Hi..." I said

"Where have you been??" He asked

"Out..." I said going into the drawer for a change of clothes

"Winter..." he said

"Clark what is it!?" I asked stripping out of my clothes

"Are you seeing someone else??" He asked

I let out a deep sigh as I slid on my shorts and a tank top. I got in bed and turned my back towards him.

"No Winter..." he said pulling the cover off me
"We are about to talk about this. Are you seeing someone else? I apologize and I'm tryna do right by you. Why can't you see that??"

"Really Clark..." I said laughing

"Yes Winter..." he said

"Was you tryna do right by me before or after you cheated on me? Or before or after buying her them shoes? Or maybe after you spent countless days with her and never came home??" I asked looking at him
"Which one was it??"

"Why can't you move past that? I've apologized, I've been here, and I've been begging for you..." he said

"Just cuz you beg, plead, and apologize doesn't mean I'm supposed to forgive you. Do you know how badly I'm hurt? Or what goes through my head when I realize what you were doing when I felt like I couldn't live anymore? I'm tired of talking about this honestly. I'll forgive you on my own time. Maybe it'll happen, maybe it won't. Only time will tell..." I said
"Until then you need to go in the guest room..."

"Why do I have to be the one that leaves??" He asked

"Because you broke my heart, my trust, and our vows. All by getting a piece of pussy on the side. You did this..." I said looking at him

We sat there and stared at each other. He let out a sigh before getting up. He grabbed his things and headed to the room door.

"I'm sorry, Winter..." he said before stepping out

I let out a deep sigh and flopped down on the bed. I realize I didn't text Kassidy. I got up and grabbed meq phone.

She had texted me like 10 minutes ago.

- You made it home safely Pretty Lady

- Yes, I did. I'm sorry for texting back late. Arguing with Clark

2 minutes later she texted back.

- You're Good. Is everything okay?

- Yea, I sent him to the guest room

- Not you sent him on

-😂😂yes, I don't want him around rn

- That's understandable

-Yeah, so I got that you made it home safe👀

-Now is a fine time to ask😂

-I'm sorry🥺

-You good Pretty Lady.
-Let's not let it happen again


-Just laid down. I came home to some fucking in my house


-It's funny??

-Just a little

-Yeah, it was funny

-What does your tomar consist of??

-Mail delivers, back home, get ready, and going to out

-Going out, huh?
-Where to??

-My cousin wants me to come with her, her girlfriend, and friends for drinks

-that sounds fun

-Would you like to come??

-Do you really want me to come??

-Yeah, I do

-Then I'll be there

-That's what I like to hear

I laughed before my phone dinged again.

- I have to be at work early tomar so I'll talk to you later.
-Have a good night Pretty Lady

-Goodnight 😌 text me in the morning

-Sure thing. Night

Was the last thing she texted and I didn't respond. I plugged my phone into the charger and sat it on my nightstand. I got outta bed and headed downstairs to the kitchen. I looked into the fridge and saw some sweet tea. I fixed myself a glass and headed back upstairs. I cut the tv on as I sat on the bed.

After searching for what to watch. I decided on watching reruns of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. I drank my tea as I watched tv. I finished my tea, sat the cup on my nightstand, and lay down.

I watched tv until my eyes couldn't take it anymore.

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