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After the meeting, I called Sahil into his office. Sahil entered, noting the exhaustion etched on my face.

"What's up, buddy? Everything okay?" Sahil asked, concerned.

I sighed heavily, rubbing my temples. "I need you to prepare divorce papers."

Sahil's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Divorce papers? What? Are you serious?"

I nodded, his expression resolute. "I can't do this anymore. Zara and I... we're not meant to be together. It's time to end things."

Sahil hesitated, searching on my face for any sign of doubt. "Have you talked to her? Maybe there's still a chance to work things out."

I shook my head firmly. "I don't want it."

"But I think you should talk to her. You can't leave her like this." Sahil said

"I said I don't want it." I said with anger

Sahi nodded slowly. "Alright, I'll start drafting the papers. Just make sure this is really what you want."

Ayaan nodded, a mix of relief and sadness washing over him. "It's what I need to happen, Sahil."

As Sahil left the office to begin the paperwork, I sank back into my chair, feeling a sense of finality settling in my heart.


I sat at the dining table, my fingers tracing patterns on the tablecloth as I listened to parents discussing their plans for the day. It was Sunday, a day typically reserved for family gatherings or outings.

"Ayaan, beta, why don't you go visit Zara's parents today? It's been a while since you've met them," ammi suggested gently.

He glanced up from his breakfast, his expression guarded. "I'm busy today, Ammi. Maybe some other time," he replied curtly.

I felt a pang of disappointment but kept my gaze lowered, focusing on my food.

"Ayaan, it's important to maintain good relations with Zara's family," abbu chimed in, his tone firm but gentle.

His jaw tightened. "I said I'm busy," he retorted, his voice edged with impatience.

My heart sank, but I remained composed, accustomed to his cold demeanor towards me.

"Ayaan, please consider it. Zara's parents have been asking to see you," ammi persisted.

After a tense moment of silence, he let out an exasperated sigh. "Fine, I'll go," he finally relented, his tone dismissive.

He pushed his plate aside and left.

My stomach churned with a mix of emotions—gratitude that he agreed to visit my parents, yet frustration at his indifferent attitude.

As we finished our meal, I excused myself quietly. I retreated to our room, hoping that Ayaan's visit to my parents would go smoothly despite his evident reluctance. Deep down, I longed for the day when he would treat me with warmth and respect, but for now, I had learned to endure his cold demeanor, hoping that time would bring a change in our relationship.


I sat at the dining table, inwardly seething at the suggestion that I visit Zara's parents. The idea of spending time with Zara outside of their strained home environment was the last thing I didn't want.

"I'm busy today, Ammi. Maybe some other time," I replied brusquely, my tone reflecting my irritation.

Abbu's gentle insistence only fueled my frustration further. I couldn't understand why they were pressuring me to maintain relations with Zara's family when my own relationship with Zara was crumbling.

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