Jordan and mia hawai love

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Jordan and mia from American idol

Mias pov
Me and Jordan have been dating since hollywood week, I think I love him, but I'm scared to tell him incase he doesn't fell the same way. He's perfect, he's easy on the eyes hilarious, kind caring. We get on so well with each-others families. I was so nervous about being introduced to his family as his girlfriend but they couldn't have been more welcoming.  We're in hawai right now,m we're performing on idol next week, we have this week to relax. It's emotional for me as my dad was Hawaiian, I miss him so much, that's why I've chosen to sing daddy's hands, I'm doing fit for him, my mom and sister. I'm curently sat on the beach jordan says " mind if I sit down ". I smile and say " of course not". He sits down takes my hand and says " look I know this is emotional for you with you're dad being Hawaiian but I thought this would be the perfect place and time to tell you that I love you, I know it's quick and I'm not expecting you to say it back but I love you mia mathews and I'm proud to call you my girlfirend".

Jordan's pov
I get up and Mia pulls me me back down looks at me and says " I love you to Jordan Anthony,  I don't care if anyone's afected by us showing afection, he would have loved you just not as much as I do". I kiss her and s he kisses back. I,help her up and walk her back to her room. She says " do you want to come in, emmys out for bit, we could just chill". I say "I'd like that". I come in and she kisses me I kiss back, we lay on her bed with her he1d on my chest. We watch tv whilst I play with her hair she said I could, I notice one of her tattoos say " jordan Anthony" it has a heart next to it, I ask her about it and she says " okay I had it done, a few weeks ago, I hoped you wouldn't notice". I kiss her and say " it's cute now I n3eed to get one with you name on it". She says " no you don't not if you don't want to". I satay " I never said I didn't want to". It's time for me to go, I give Mia one last kiss then go to my room felling so happy to have her as my girlfriend".

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