Charlie and ella alternate emding

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This is Charlie and Ella from holyoaks, what if Ella didn't die when she ws run over, what if Charlie stayed with her and they talked at the hospital.

Charlie's pov
I finally find Ella and say " I broke up with shing-lin, she isn't happy but I don't care you're the one for me Ella and I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to realise this and for the way I've treated you I know I don't deserve another chance but I love you". Ella yells " just go Charlie, you don't lean it, I'm unlovable and that's it now please just go". I'm not leaving her like this. She walks toward a road I try warning her but it's to late she's Been hit. I ru over to her, and she is In my arms,she says " I'm sorry can you stay wit me , if I go tell dad, joel and Norma,,getting to know them has been amazing, I just wish I had longer with them, tell Ella im Sory for the argument, I was so lucky to,have her in my life and tell the osbournes there the family I ne ever had, and,please,remember I love you so slipping much". She loses consciousness I stay with her until,the ambulance comes.

Ella's pov
I've just woken up, dad says " I got your voicemail, you're going to be okay, we found the driver and he's in,prison, Charlie has been woried sick about you,,I'll tell your gran and joel, they can see you tomorow, I think it's,important,for,you two to,have this time". The osbournes come in and,I,hug Oscar,,they all go apart from Charlie. I smile and say " I'm sorry , I didn't mean what I said when,I was yelling, I love you so,much Charlie ,I was drunk and hurt". He holds my hand and say# " hey you don't need to apologise for anything, I should be the one apologising to yo after not sticking up,for you but if you want we can get back together". I smile,kiss him and say " that is all I've ever wanted Charlie, is back together, we need to move slowly for shing-lins sake but we're back together".i kiss her and say " I agree, as lng as you're my girlfriend again I don't care what pace we move at".

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