Lucpian please stay

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Lucy and caspian from narnia

Caspians pov
Lucy is going tomorrow, I really don't want her to. I'm in love with her, Edmund knows and told me to tell her so she has the option of staying here with me. I knock on her door and she opens it, and lets me in. I say " don't go tomorow, you could stay here with me, I promise no matter what happens I will always protect you, I love you Lucy and I'm not sure how you fell but Edmonton d is fine with you staying here". She says " can I think about it,,it's a big decision for me and I need to make sure it's the right one,but caspian I love you to, this,trip,has brought us closser and,even if I chose to go back tomorow, I'd like us to have tonight". I look at her and say " are you sure Lucy, I don't want,you to regret this,,I,know it,going to be your first time and,I,don't want,to regret it". She wraps her arms around me and say " I'm positive, the only regret I'll have is not doing this with you tonight ".

Lucy's pov
Caspian kisses  le, I,kiss back,,he cracks me up,against a wall which I can't say I hate, then picks me up and caries me to the bed. We start ripping each others clothes off and make love. Later we're naked under the covers,our bodies are tangled together,I smile and say " well after that I think I'm definitely staying here,,I'm going to miss my family but I'll have you and narnia,,this is where I belong". He kisses me and says " good, I dint,think I could face saying goodbye to you after that,,arnica will always be home for us, you've made it a home for you,the people love you, just not as much as I do because that's impossible". The next morning we get up and get dressed, Peter and Suzan are ho collect us, im so nervous, edmound says " just tell them they'll understand and Suzan loves you she'll understand you loving caspian she has to". Peter says " come on Lucy,last time here in this place". I say " this place is my home now so I'm choosing to stay". Caspian stands next to me, I hug Peter edmound and eustance, Suzan hugs me and says " I understand, luce we're going to miss you so much especially me but we know caspian will.look,after you, you're much better suited to him than I was". Caspian holds me in his arms as they all go.

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