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XXVII. Jealous Actions

AUSTIN: October 2023



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@honeybadger.: me, because I'm gorgeous

      @ateange: someone has let Daniel use his phone again @lavenderlars

       @lavenderlars: I'm on it

       @honeybadger.: no!

Qualifying: Eliza had survived all free practices, what with Alex and her best friend being there to calm her down. She had learned how to handle her nerves when they were on track and was actually progressing being a person working at the paddock.

Because of her mini victory, she was now more comfortable to be at the garage, the teams were preparing for the qualifying race and she decided to walk through the garages with her new found confidence (but with Carmen still with her, not wanting to be lost).

The two girls were talking when they reached Redbull, there Carmen took the time finally introduce Clara to her. Eliza had learned about the girls in the paddock and was actually excited to meet them, and Clara was not an exemption to that.

The girls were talking amongst themselves and how Eliza would love to meet Evangeline officially soon when a new mechanic from Redbull came forward to ask something to Clara.

This led to Clara asking the opinion of the girls which the two were not shy about. They shared their opinions about the situation of the mechanic, they were quite friendly with him which led to them sharing a laugh.

The commotion caught the attention of the people around the garages, some didn't mind them but some did, and part of the latter group was Alex Albon. He watched from Williams as the mechanic kept sending Eliza glances.

It seems like that the girl was not noticing it but the driver did. The looks the mechanic was sending her was different, so when he saw that Daniel and Max decided to join the conversation, he immediately walked to the group.

When he reached the group, another round of laughter was heard, but it was Daniel who noticed him, "Oh hey mate." The Australian said, greeting him. Everyone turned to him, Eliza immediately smiling at the sight of Alex.

He hummed and nodded at them, glancing at Eliza before turning to the general direction of the group, "So, you met Liz?" he asked the mechanic.

The new employee gulped but nodded. Alex hummed again, "She's nice right?" he asked again, which led to the mechanic to nod again. Eliza placed a hand on Alex's arm, "Alex-"

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