Chapter 16

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As the days went by, Y/N found herself spending more and more time with S.Coups and his dog, Kkuma. Y/N was surprised to find that she had so much in common with S.Coups, and the more they learned about each other, the more they realised just how deep their connection ran.

Their conversations flowed effortlessly, moving from lighthearted banter to more serious topics with ease. S.Coups shared stories from his past, and Y/N listened intently, feeling honoured that he trusted them with such personal details. In turn, Y/N opened up about their own struggles and triumphs, finding solace in S.Coups' empathetic responses.

As they spent more time together, Y/N couldn't deny the growing feelings they had for S.coups. His smile made their heart flutter, and his laughter was like music to their ears. They found themselves looking forward to each moment they spent together, cherishing the connection they had formed.

Y/N took a deep breath, her heart pounding as she finally mustered up the courage to confess her growing feelings to S

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Y/N took a deep breath, her heart pounding as she finally mustered up the courage to confess her growing feelings to S.Coups. "I...I have something I need to tell you," she stammered, her eyes locked on his. S.Coups simply smiled, his eyes warm and understanding as he took her hand in his own. "You don't have to say anything, I already know," he said softly, brushing a gentle kiss across her knuckles.

Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, a blush creeping up her cheeks. "You do?" she whispered, feeling a rush of relief and joy flood through her. S.Coups nodded, his smile never faltering, , taking Y/N's hand in his own and brushing a gentle kiss across their knuckles.

"And I feel the same way," he confessed, his thumb tracing circles on the back of her hand. "I've never felt this way about anyone before, but with you, it just feels right."

In that moment, Y/N knew that they had found something truly special with S.Coups. Their bond had deepened in ways they never thought possible, and they were excited to see where their newfound relationship would take them. As they sat together, bathed in the glow of the moonlight, Y/N knew that they had finally found someone who understood them completely, someone they could trust with their heart. And in S.Coups, they had found not just a partner, but a soulmate. 

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