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A thin layer of sweat covered the nape of my neck as I sprinted up the massive flight of stairs that led to—only God knows where

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A thin layer of sweat covered the nape of my neck as I sprinted up the massive flight of stairs that led to—only God knows where. I couldn’t see what awaited me at the end because of the darkness but one thing is for sure: I needed to get away from here as soon as possible.

The heavy footsteps that followed closely behind me did nothing to soothe my worries. Panic shot through me like a lightening bolt and all I could think about was what he was going to do when he finally caught up to me.

I cast a glance behind me and just like the numerous times I’ve checked, I couldn’t get a closer look at the man’s face. But he looked exactly like the one who raped me years ago. He had on the same hoodie as last time—with the hood up—making it impossible for me to see his face. There was just nothing….but darkness.

I wondered how he was able to find me. Surely he couldn’t remember my face. The incident was years ago. Most importantly, how did he get here? Where am I? What place is this?

Facing forward, I quickened my pace, my calves burning, my breath forming clouds in the air. I was exhausted. If it wasn’t for the situation that I found myself in, I would have collapsed, leaving myself vulnerable for anyone to find. But the adrenaline that coursed through my veins kept me going.

If it wasn’t for the stairs that led straight up, I would have assumed that I was running in circles because honestly, there was no door in sight, no sign of an exit. Come what may, my feet continued to fly over each step so fast I thought my legs were going to explode.

My heart leaped into my throat at the slight sound of someone drawing in a lungful of air followed by the footsteps getting closer, closer, closer….No, No, No. I won’t let history repeat itself. I won’t give this man another chance to destroy the little bit of progress I had built over the years just trying to forget about the pain I had to endure of having him defile me. No, I won’t let it happen.

Steadying my breath, I pushed hard and ran even faster than my shadow if that was even possible. The blind terror that flashed through me was making it hard for me to breathe but I didn’t let it deter me.

Then….I couldn’t believe my eyes.

There, a few distance away from me, was a large black door with a golden doorknob. Various thoughts of what might actually be behind the door slithered into my mind. It could literally be anything—and that anything was better than getting raped again.

Ignoring the dread in my stomach, I ran impossibly fast so much that I couldn’t believe my own speed.

At last, I got to the top and breathed out a sigh of relief and triumph. I made it! I finally made it! But when my hand located the doorknob and twisted it, nothing happened. The door remained firmly shut much to my dismay.

A sickening feeling gutted my stomach. Tears stung my eyes.

“No. No. No. Please, not again.” I struggled with the doorknob, casting a glance over my shoulder every few seconds to make sure that he hadn’t caught up to me yet.

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