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**Three days ago**

Third person's POV

Hell was about to break loose, Kamol thought as he watched his father pace back and forth, breathing heavily like someone that was about to unleash chaos and destruction into this world. He didn't doubt that for a second. The world would literally burn with all the rage cooked up inside of him.

He didn't have to be told the reason why his father demanded to speak with him. They never really spoke about anything unless it was something serious. Their father-son relationship was pretty much non-existent. Neither of them seemed to make any effort to build back that broken relationship though.

“Explain. Now!” Two words spoken so calmly but dangerous. The rage in his eyes could freeze the whole damn planet. There was no telling what was going on through Aran's mind. His expression had always been so damn unreadable.

Kamol shifted uncomfortably in his seat, wishing for nothing more than to just disappear. He feared his father, even though he tried not to. “Explain what....dad?”

Poor boy was just digging his grave at this point. But....could a father actually murder his own son? Nah, that's just insane. But....Aran was insane.

Those two fiery black pits of hell snapped to Kamol who swallowed hard and gripped his knees to prevent them from bouncing. He knew how his father was like when he is angry but he couldn't say what he wanted to hear because he promised his brother not to tell.

But was there any point if his father already knew?

Aran slammed his fist on the desk, causing Kamol to flinch involuntarily and shift his chair back to avoid his father's wrath. “Don't allow me to repeat myself, son.” Aran stared daggers at him and in an icy tone, he spoke, “Now, speak. Did you know your brother was dealing drugs?”

Kamol let out a resigned sigh. “Yes, dad. I knew. He told me.”

Goddammit, Kamol!” Aran hissed, his temper sparking. “Why didn't you tell me?”

“I didn't deem it necessary, dad.” Kamol answered plainly, irritation pricking at him the more the seconds passed by.

His answer only roused Aran's anger. “You didn't deem it necessary?” Aran scoffed, flopping down on the chair with a murderous glare directed at his son. “Have you gone mad? I forbade the both of you to steer clear of drugs, Kamol. As the eldest brother, it is your responsibility to make sure that Van doesn't get into serious trouble. If eventually he did, you come to me and I resolve the whole issue.”

“Since when do you care if something bad happens to us?” Kamol shot back, silently fuming. There was so much he wanted to say to his father but he couldn't bring himself to utter those words. He wanted to try all he could to avoid his father's wrath and not to instigate him further but how could he when he was on the verge of loosing his shit.

"Watch the way you speak to me, son." Aran hissed. "Your brother is fucking dealing drugs and you fucking didn't deem it necessary to tell your father about it? Oh, you're in so much trouble, boy. This is all your fault." Aran raged on, not bothering to consider his son's feelings. "I got to find out about everything from Hana. I swear it, Kamol, if your mother fucking gets herself involved in this mess—thereby causing a huge catastrophe—so help me, you will be punished severely. I mean it, boy."

Kamol shot up from his seat, his hands balled into tight fists like someone who yearned to break something or punch someone. "You don't have to use my one silly unnecessary mistake as an excuse to cover up the fact that you're a terrible father." Kamol said, looking his father straight in the eye. That was it. He couldn't take it anymore. His father was pissing him off. There was no way he could sit back quietly and take it. He couldn't care less about the consequences which he knew was going to be deadly.

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