Chapter 30 - The first week

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Sam and I lay on the couch watching tv. Amelia rested her tiny body on my chest, her back rising with each breath. I looked over at Sam. He was fast asleep. I smiled, leaning my head on his shoulder. He shifted slightly. I traced my finger round in circles on Amelia's back, closing my eyes. The sound from the tv echoed around the room. The feeling of Amelia's breaths on my chest warmed me. I could feel my body relaxing. The last week had been both exciting and exhausting. Everything was so new to us.

Cas' POV

I wandered into the living room. My head was full of the voices on angel radio. It was pretty loud up there today. My eyes immediately fell on Jessie and Sam, with Amelia curled up on Jessie's chest. The tv was still running. I surveyed the scene in front of me, a smile resting on my face. They were curled up together, both heavy in dreams.

I walked over, grabbing a blanket from the opposite chair and placing it over them. I gave Amelia a gentle tickle and watched as she snuggled before settling back into sleep again. I could feel, as humans call it, 'my heart melting'. Neither of them stirred an inch.

Picking up the remote from the table, I pressed the off button. The room fell into silence. All that could be heard was the soft breaths of the three on the couch.

I switched off the light as I left the room, plunging it into darkness - leaving the door slightly open so that there was a small amount of light fading through.

I strolled through the bunker to the library, where Dean and Jack sat. Dean was occupied with something on his laptop. Jack appeared to be deep in thought, staring at nothing.

I pulled out a chair, flopping into it next to Jack. He jumped, clearly not aware that I had just walked in.


I gave a smile, "Hi Jack".

Looking over at Dean, I waved my hand in front of his face. He looked up.

"Oh hiya Cas, sorry was in a world of my own there"

"It's alright." I watched him for a moment longer as he went back to his laptop, his face concentrating on whatever he was looking at. He had such a handsome face. I had come to realise this over the past few months. I'm sure lots of other people would agree with me too.

Dean lifted his eyes, meeting mine. He cracked a smile. What a lovely smile, I thought.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer boyo". I looked away, my hand rubbing at the back of my neck.

I coughed slightly nervously and turned round to watch Jack eyeing me curiously.


Jack shook his head, "Nothing."

I shrugged before talking. Dean looked up once again. "Jessie and Sam seem happy." I got a nod and smiles from the both of them.

"This is the happiest I've ever seen Sam. And he pretends everything is fine a lot, so that's saying something!" Dean chimed in.

"The three of them are currently asleep on the couch. I left a blanket on them and closed the door. They looked..." I searched for the right word and smiled, "peaceful".

Jack grinned, "I love having a new baby around. I think she'll be so much fun when she gets older. I have a younger sister!" he cried, loudly. I shushed him, putting a finger to his mouth. Dean chuckled. I looked over at him.

"You're a good guy Cas" he said. I felt my cheeks heat up. Thank God (well not God because he's a dick, but thank whoever) that he looked back down just as I blushed.

We lapsed into silence once again. Jack stood up, rummaging on the shelves for a book. I just sat there, watching Dean. Everything seemed so quiet right now. Which was either a very good thing, or a very bad thing. I think I'm going to go with both.

Sam's POV

I awoke slowly. The room was dark, albeit a shred of light falling from the hallway. I noticed a blanket had been placed over us. I smiled. It was probably Cas. I turned my head, looking down to see Jessie fast asleep on my shoulder. Amelia was snoozing on her chest. My heart filled with love. The last week had been tough - a good type of tough though - on the both of us, so it was nice seeing her catching up on some sleep.

I rubbed my eyes, shuffling my head down again, and closed them. I placed a soft hand on top of Jessie's, which was resting on Amelia's back. I felt the steady rise and fall of her breathing. I smiled to myself. I hoped that many more happy days were to come.

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