Chapter 31 - It's about Shannon...

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Shannon's POV! Amelia is just the cutest little baby!!! 

I hummed along to the radio as I drove my way home, my head bopping from side to side. I felt buzzy. I had just been to visit Jess again. I got to hold Amelia this time. She's still tiny. I can't wait to have countless times with her. Jess and Sam look so adorable together. I'm just so happy that she's finally found someone. He looks like he treats her right - and good! Because she deserves it. I hope I get invited to their bloody wedding if they decide to get married. And his brother... mmm, he was quite handsome really. Might have a crack at him at some point. I smiled, laughing to myself.

It was dark out - the only light being from the streetlamp and my headlights. I was surprised there weren't more cars about. The whole road seemed deserted. I was zooming through a lane by the river. In the darkness it looked murky. Rolling trees hung around me. It almost seemed as if it was closing in. I suddenly felt very aware of everything - perhaps a little too aware. 

I reached to the radio, turning the volume down, and pressing the accelerator. I wanted to get home quickly. My mood, previously light, now felt heavy - like the casting shadows on the road. 

My car began to shudder, the headlights flickering. The radio crackled and a heavy scent of sulfur filled the air. I jammed my foot onto the accelerator, willing the car to go faster. Only, it seemed to be grounding to a halt. Panic arose within me, my heart beating fast.

Shit, shit, shit. 

The car gave one final heave and gave out. I was plummeted into darkness. It was like closing my eyes. I couldn't see a thing. My eyes began to fill with tears.

"Fuck!" I yelled, smacking the steering wheel with my palm. I felt around for the glove compartment. My fingers connected with the lever, and I pulled it open, rummaging around. I grabbed my torch and pressed it on. I climbed out of my car, yanking open the bonnet. It lit up the mechanics inside. I had no idea what went where, or even what happened.

My mind was racing. A million thoughts at once. What was I supposed to do? I was nowhere near a payphone, and my mobile was at home. The torch juddered in my hands as they shook. I sighed, shakily letting tears fall. Flashing the light over to the river, I saw that it had stilled. A low crow battered against the water, rippling it gently. It cawed, sending an eerie feeling through me. 

I suddenly got the sense that I wasn't alone. My heart rattled against my ribcage, yet I held my breath, turning back to the bonnet and slamming it shut. I began making my way back to the car, hoping to hide in the back until morning.

Footsteps clipped behind me. I spun around, almost dropping the torch in fear. No, scratch that. Terror.

"Hello darling"

Standing in front of me was a short man in a black suit. He stood with his hands in his pockets and a devilish smile on his face. I was so frozen in shock, that I had neglected to give his face a once over. My whole heart dropped. 

It was his eyes. His eyes were black. Black like the crow that had just cawed. 

I felt my voice shrill. I was now in fight of flight mode. I chose the flight mode. I ran through the darkness, my legs turning to jelly. I was running for my life, yet my legs were choosing to give out. Oh for fucks sake!

I didn't get far because, less than a minute later, that man - or thing, whatever he is - was standing in front of me again. I bolted right into his chest, his arms grabbing me. My torch lit up the trees above. They were motionless. The man grabbed my torch, throwing it onto the ground, so that only the tar was visible. I couldn't see him anymore. I could just feel him on me, his breath down my neck. I dared not to move.

"A little birdy told me-" his voice was gravelly and rough "-that you know where the Winchesters are."

I could feel him staring at me. I did not speak. Instead, I my head shook no.

"Hmm, that's funny because I can swear I saw you with that girl the other day." His voice was unmistakably English. 

"No... I-" My words came out shaky. I didn't have time to think about what he wanted or where he came from. All I cared about was getting away. It was slowly dawning on me that maybe I don't get away. 

He grabbed me by the neck. My teeth clenched together, and my throat gargled. He brought me closer.

"Now here's the thing sweetheart. That girl and her child are very important to me. So here's the deal. You tell me where they are, I fix your car and you can be on your way-" I felt myself nodding at this "-or we can do this the hard way." I didn't need telling what the hard way was. I'd watched enough movies to understand what he meant. But I couldn't comply. I wasn't about to tell this man - who was clearly dangerous - where my best friend, her boyfriend and my goddaughter are. If I'm going to die, I'm going to protect them.

I stayed silent. The man rammed me into the floor. I felt bones crack. I let out a squeal, scrunching up my face.

"I guess we chose the hard way." He sneered. 

As he slowly took my breath away, my last thought wasn't I'm going to die. Instead, it was I'm never going to see Amelia again. My heart tore itself apart, piece by piece, with that statement. My eyes gave a final blink, watching the torch go out, my body fading with it.

Dean's POV

My phone vibrated from the table. The screen read 666. I rolled my eyes, calling for Sam. Pressing Answer, I stuck it on loud speaker. Crowley's rotten voice filled the room. I heard Cas come running, his face a picture of worry. Jack was right beside him. We crowded around the phone, listening hard. I looked up at Cas.

"Hello boys" 

"What do you want Crowley?" I demanded. 

"I think you know"

"Not going to happen." Anger rose in Sam's voice as he spoke, his knuckles balling into fists beside him. 

"Oh, but it will. Eventually." 

"Did you ring just to be annoying? Or do you have an actual reason for this phone call?" Cas spoke up, his pitch deep. 

Crowley began. We leaned in further, listening. 

"Samuel. Your little girlfriend's bestie. She's dead by the way." My face dropped. Sam's eyes darted to mine. 

"You're lying" he snarled.

"I'm not. See what happens when you don't give me what I want. I'll begin picking off each person you love one by one until you give over that stupid baby. Starting off with... who should we pick... let's say Bobby Singer?" My body had been filling with pure rage the whole time he was speaking, my shoulders were rising. 

None of us spoke. Nobody knew what to say. We all looked up, surveying each other's faces. Our eyes spoke louder than words. We all knew he wouldn't go back on his word. He would do exactly as he said. 

"...aaaand right at this moment, you're all probably staring at each other thinking how the hell you're going to get out of this. Well I'll promise you this now. You don't." And with that, the call ended. Abruptly.

"Oh no" was all that Jack said. He was frozen. He looked scared. 

"Jack back to your room. Sam, Cas, I need to talk to you in private. Now." I demanded. 

Jack turned round to leave. "Jessie?" he said. 

I whirled around to see her standing there, swaying on her feet. She looked as if she was going to be sick. My stomach filled with worry. 

"Shannon's gone...?" was all she said before she hit the ground, knocked unconscious. 

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