2. Pack

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If Stella hadn't seen his life story when she'd looked in her mirror twin's eyes she wouldn't have been prepared for when Claudia got sick.

She wouldn't have been prepared with a wish.
She wished Claudia's mind would heal, and it did.
The doctors were surprised and merely thought their early diagnosis of a rare illness had been incorrect.

Knowing about the future events to soon come about the local Hale pack, Stella kept an eye on them.

One day when she noticed the younger brother of Talia Hale was getting a coffee one rainy day. Eight year old Stella was walking home and took the opportunity to slide into the same booth.

"I cannot change multiple people's futures without there being a disaster." She'd tried that in her past life, it was dangerous to make a wish about a future event or one you'd suspect might happen.

"Ok." Peter Hale looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

She knew she wouldn't be believed easily.
So she pushed a journal forward, "This is one possible future if you are not careful. Please read it, Peter."

She got up from her seat before nodding, this was the best she could do without taking autonomy away.

Peter eyed her with a curious look, no doubt noticing how much older her speech was for someone so young.

"And if I don't?"

"Then I'll try to be there when you are left alone without a pack so you don't go mad. But I hope it won't come to that. After all I'm just a kid right now."

She turned away and hoped that despite the oddity of the situation, Peter's curiosity would win out.

It didn't.
Well maybe it did a bit, her father told her mother how it was a miracle that the children escaped the fire. Their parents perished, all accept their uncle who had found a way to get the children out. But he was badly burned, in a coma.

Laura the eldest had to leave Beacon Hills in search for family friends that could help raising the 4 kids that escaped the fire.

But this left Peter alone.
So after school Stella began volunteering at the care center where he was. The first time she saw the bandaged up Peter her eyes teared up and she wiped them away before moving to his side.

In her mind a wish forming, 'I wish I could create a pack bonds.'

"Peter," she placed a gentle hand on his bandaged wrapped one, "I'll be your pack until you reunite with yours."

In her minds eye she watched as a golden tether connected his heart to hers, her heart warmed and she whispered.

"I'll add more to the pack so you can heal quicker."

When she got home later that day, Claudia asked her how it went.

"Momma, he's so alone."

"Who, Stiles?"

Stella wrinkled her nose like she always did when her mother called her her mirror twin's nickname.

"Peter Hale. All his family is gone. He's like a wolf without his pack."

Claudia sat down beside her daughter wondering if perhaps somehow her daughter new of the secrets of Beacon Hills. She shook her head.

"Can we become his pack, Momma?"

"It's not that simple, mischief."

"But if it was possible could we?"

For a moment it almost looked like Stiles eyes glowed with golden light.

"If it was possible, I suppose..."

Stella launched into her mother's arms, already watching as the pack bond reached out and attached to her.

Next up her father.
He was rather easy to convince, even if he didn't quite know what he was agreeing to.

Later that night, Stella couldn't help but sigh in contentment from the happy thrum of her pack bonds. The golden light already reaching towards Peters thread and giving it as much energy as it could.

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