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"So are ya gonna go?" Aris asked walking next to me - he lived right near me which was annoying. "No I don't plan on it" I said waiting for the next long beg of asking me to go "Why not? It would be fun! Please please pleaseeeeee! me and Cam want you to go with us you see as we have no other friends here." yap. "Im not your friend no offence Aris" I rolled my eyes trying not to come off as a massive dick "Yet!" he chirped and I sighed, there was no escaping this was there?

I slammed the door to my house behind me before Aris could open his big mouth again "How was school darling?" my mum called from the kitchen "Fine" I made my way up to my room. My parents were always persistent there was something wrong with me and thats why I wouldn't talk to people and I guess their sort of right I was diagnosed with anxiety as a kid but I don't see that as a problem and its not why I dont socialise I just am not a fan of crowds and pressuring situations..

you've been added to:
Jas: Hey!! I thought I should make this group to help us
Aris: Oooh Good idea! your very smart
Cameron: 👍
Harriet left the group chat
Harriet was added to the group chat
Harriet: I hate you all
Kody: We're all gonna do the project?
Jas: Thats how projects work smartass
Kody: Oh okay I just assumed differently sorry!

I switched off my phone, great now Aris has my number i'm never gonna be left alone now.

Next day in school ;)

"Okay class I have the forms for the trip! It was said to have had a zombie outbreak back in the 1500s!!" Mr Simson explained all the details for the trip, everyone managed to grab a slip but I didn't because well I didn't want to go


Ah? She's seriously not going to grab one then? Well i'm sure Mr Simson wont mind me taking two incase... I grabbed one and folded it quickly then grabbed a second one and slipped it into my pocket. "Hey Juneee you not going?" I rushed up to her desk. "Stop calling me June and no I already told you didn't I?" she said placing her head back on the desk. The bell rang but she wasn't quick to get up, I crouched down infront of her desk and tapped her head "Juniiii wake up!! or I'm gonna start drawing attention to us"
I said continuing tapping her head. "I'm not even asleep you stupid..." she shook her head and stood up grabbing her bag and leaving.. ah she wanted to lead the way. "Nice of you to let us hang around with you Juni" I said looking over at Cam he was looking at me strangely "You okay there bud?" he nodded and I looked back to Juniper who was.. gone? Must be a fast walker. "Oh we can catch up to her later can't we Cam?" and he looked at me weirdly again. "What!?" I said confused yet intrigued. "Ah. um you do know she doesn't want us to bother her Aris?" he mumbled, he doesn't talk much like ever well sometimes but quietly. "Yes she does Cam! she's just a bit shy is all!"


He wont leave me alone. everywhere i look everywhere I go he is there, he somehow managed to invite he and Cameron to my house later.. its going to give my parents a heart attack and I'm surprised I didn't just collapse to the ground myself..I turned the corner and bumped right into the small bot again..Kody. "We really have to stop meeting like this..really" He said then laughed nervously. Great another conversation. "I was thinking maybe we should all meet up somewhere and start the project after the trip in a few days" I turned the corner hoping he would stop following which he didn't "I was told you weren't going so we can fill you in?" I nodded, I suppose it wasn't a stupid idea. "Well then! that settles that..goodbye Juniper!" he turned and left.

The next few hours flew by as if to spite me. the next thing I know is the doorbell ringing and I had forgot to mention this to my parents. "Ah i told those damn scam companies to stop ringing the door!" my dad complained. "Uh dad its not scammers..its er my project partners." I said not wanting to use the word friend because one untrue and two he would have a stroke. "You invited someone over? for the first time in the 15 years of your life?!" he said excitedly. "Oh Junebug!! You made a friend" he said rushing to the door and opening it, jaw almost hitting the floor when he saw two people instead of one "Hello there Junipers..friends!" he said smiling widely, so dramatic for what! "Hello there I assume your Junes dad and mother hello! this is Cam he doesn't talk much and im Aris nice to meet you" he shook my dads hand and I managed to drag them away from my parents.

"You're going on the trip Juniper!!" He said for the 50th time "Cmon it'll be fun!!" he pleaded looking to Cameron for help who shrugged. "No" The next hour went like that, him begging and pleading me saying the word no more than I have in my life and Cameron just sitting there in silence occasionally putting a thumbs up. By the time they were leaving I saw a mischievous grin appear on Aris's face as he handed my dad a piece of paper "You may want this! June dropped hers on the way out of class you see and you have to sign it to go! I wouldn't want her to miss out on the trip" he said acting as though I wanted to go, I death glared him and he smiled at me sweetly. I knew then I was going whether I liked it or not.

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