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"Oh crap this place looks horrifying" Kody said following right behind me, probably using me as a shield to whatever is out there. "Woah this is awesome" Harriet gasped as she stepped inside.

There was neon blue light radiating through the building... how was this not visible from the outside? The place was all smashed up all the furniture was either falling apart or extremely dusty and old fashioned as expected.. "Whats that?" Jasmine said pointing to a room with the same light shining through the battered door. "Let's go look why don't we!" Aris said moving quickly toward the door. "Okay this isn't a good idea!" Kody half cried behind me. "It's alright Kody whatever is in there will get me before you" I said trying to be reassuring but social skills aren't my strong suit. "Haaa..yeah.." he mumbled.

We moved closer to the door and Jasmine tried to get it open but the door wouldn't budge. "Step back" I said warning them before I ran forward and kicked the door down. "What in the fucking world?" Isaac said looking toward me like I just shot one of them, everyone else looking at me in a similar way. "What?" I said rolling my eyes. "Thats insane where did you learn that?" Aris said admiringly. "I do fighting and boxing I'm sure i've mentioned before" I said slowly making my way into the room which looked straight out a horror movie.

The same blue light was everywhere in the room which lit it up fully.. How did they have this type of technology in the 1500s?... How had nobody seen this before? I had so many questions yet I just looked around. An old dusty desk was in the corner of the room full of papers, files and a strange book which I picked up, dusting it off to read the title "Diary" basic.. I still decided to slip it into my bag anyway just in case a long with two tubes of liquid which was along side it.

"Hey I found this weird artbook?" Taliyah muttered half under her breath, I rushed up to take a look and she handed it to me, I flicked through the pages to see horrifyingly detailed drawings and descriptions of these monsters like creatures... Crawlers, Walkers and uh another one which the name was unreadable. "Those are gross man" Aris said peering behind my shoulder, "Right?" I mumbled in shock of the drawings.

I checked the information and the handwriting was the same as the diary so I took the art book as well, It could come in handy one day. I flinched when I heard a loud crack but sighed a breath of relief when I realised I had only stood on something.. it was something glass and it had liquid in it.. my big question was how had these things with liquid not evaporated in the last few hundred years? "Guys I think we should leave now i've just broken something and I don't know if it's important it looks like blood" I said backing out the door. "Okay I guess we've looked around enough now" Harriet agreed with me and we all left.

"Is it just me or does it feel like something really wrong has happened?" Taliyah said, her voice shaky. "Yeah I felt that a while ago" Kody said, I do remember him telling me about that and I thought nothing of it but now I think I feel the same.. "It'll be nothing we are just overreacting because we probably weren't supposed to be in there" I said to Kody in particular. "I suppose" He said giving me a 'I do not believe you for a second but i'm gonna pretend I do because thats what I want to believe' smile.

"Maybe we should head towards the hotel were staying at?" Jasmine said "It's not far from here" she added opening google maps. "Sure let's go, its starting to smell like rotting over here now.." Harriet said finally looking away from the building and walking down the hill.. and which yet again we all followed behind her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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