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I was sat at the table being stared down by my parents, the permission slip in the middle. "Now whats goin on here?" my dad said raising an eyebrow, well trying to. "First you bring two new friends home.. now a trip?" I sighed and my mum turned to me smiling so wide, was it really this big a deal? "Oh my little dolly we're so happy you have finally decided to socialise and be a normal kid! Of course you can go on the trip" she said proudly. "Now off to bed you, its late" she waved me off with her hand and I know better then to protest against them so I left.

next day :)

"Oh thats so great you're going! I wonder what changed" Kody said excitedly, I turned my head to Aris to see him smiling at me wickedly so I pointed to him, "Thats what changed" I muttered in frustration "Its not like I want to g-" I got cut off by Mr Simson talking about the trip, "Okay class since we all know tomorrow is our trip I would like you all who got the slips signed to hand them to my desk so I can go over the rules for the trip!" he explained, anyone who was going on the trip (everyone) got up to hand in the slips.

"Ah ah ah Junie! give me that!" Aris took my slip and put it on top of his "You are going on this trip thank you!" he said placing them both on the pile. "See ya tomorrow Junie!" he said saluting to me and walking out.. weirdo.

"Juniper?" The small nerdy boy called to me, "what" I sighed turning to face him. "Never mind it's just never mind it doesn't matter" he looked sort of nauseous and very uneasy. "What" I repeated annoyed yet curious. "No seriously it's nothing it was just nothing" he turned to walking away and without thinking I grabbed his shoulder and spun him around "If you dont tell me in 5 seconds I swear to god Kody-" ah shit I scared him.. "Look i'm sorry but you can tell me ok?" I said a bit more calm this time, he looked at me and smiled awkwardly "I guess I just feel like somethings going to go horribly wrong somehow" he muttered and I walked away, I dont have time for stupidity today.

After the day finally ended I got onto the bus ready for a 'fun' ride home with Aris, I took the usual seat I sit on and waited for the irritating voice to appear. "Hiya Junie" My 'lovely' friend Aris appeared from his seat to annoy, I nodded instead of saying something. "I hope you're excited like how me and Cam are! its gonna be awesome I promise" he said still not taking the hint, "Im sure I will" I said hoping if I agreed he would go away. "Remember we have to leave early not normal times incase you forgot!! I have your number now thanks to Jasmine so if you forgot anything I can tell you it all" he kept talking. "No its fine I got it, anyways this is my stop" I said standing up just as the bus stopped "Bye Junie!!" ... "Goodbye Aris"

(Short ass chapter but I want to speed along to the trip so we can get to the good bits! and so I can get to all the character development)

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