Diary entry 1: 7/7/2135

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My mother obviously doesn't trust me in my own head. So, evidently she gave me this diary. I don't know what to think about it. It's.... Different. Hard covered with wood and other materials, with some jewels decorating it perfectly. But I'm guessing you already saw that, you obviously opened it to read this.

I should tell you now, so as to not scare you off later on. I'm a Wolf Hybrid with a bad temper and a snippy almost stuck up attitude. I admit it, I'm not the best person in this universe. So, don't get scared away if I all caps things sometimes.

If you wanna go -obviously scared from that warning I gave you- just go. I won't get offended by it. I don't know how you opened this diary to begin with. You're obviously powerful, and have a lot of magic. I respect that.

Let me introduce you to my family. My father died when I was 4, he was an Elf. Still have scars -both mentally and physically- from the day he died that might never heal. I have a mom, sister, and stepdad. My mom and sister are Hybrids, like me, and have the same animal DNA as me. Link, my mom, is the kindest, most loving person you could meet. Addy, my sister, is just like my mom but with a bit of cockiness in the mix. Adam, my stepfather, is a Bear hybrid who is a bit clumsy, joyous, and stubborn. They are good people, and I'm not a good person... you might be understanding the problem here, now.

I cut off my emotions after my father died. It was the scariest day of my life, and I will never let anything like it happen again. I will not be scared again. Never ever again.

Me and my father were just walking home -our home at the time being a cave in the mountains- when out of nowhere we were attacked. Before I could do anything my father was pinned and killed... right in front of me. His last words were, "Keep strong, son. I'll protect you forever."

Then I ran. I ran so fast I was like the wind. When I made it home I was panting hard, and shivering with scared adrenaline. My mom, who was pregnant with my sister at the time, hugged me tightly and soothed my anxious mind. I never have been able to heal fully from the experience.

Since that day I have wanted to become stronger. I helped my mom with my sister for the first 4 years then struck out. In order to find emotional strength I had to find my other strengths. So I adventured everywhere and anywhere I could go. I looked older than I was... so I got into a lot of different places.

The first few years of adventuring led me to join a horse racing group, run as a track racer, race car , try baseball and football (football becoming my favorite of the two due to the stress relief it gave), and get a job as a scientist (at a place I can't remember the name of).  After that I got myself a plot of land near the mountains -that I call my Secret Stash-, bought enough horses that I had a small herd, started doing some DNA testing, cloned myself ten times to see how I changed, and finally went back to my family.

If you're asking yourself about what I got from cloning. I'll tell you this. Everything. I got myself a stallion faster than the wind, I got to figure out what I can be, and now have a family of my own... creation... that will listen and understand me -Not that my mom, sister, and stepdad don't... They do help sometimes.- So, basically, I became the new me... That still is a hater of a lot of things.

If you're wondering about my Secret Stash. Yes, I do have a lot of things there. I walked on the moon once, without anyone's permission, after making myself my own suit -the suit is in my stash now. I have a pack of dogs that have their names written in a book along with my horse's names. I don't know where the book went, but it's in the stash. I have a lot of gold and silver -along with other ores- in the stash too. I even made myself a crown from them, it took a lot of work to make, but was worth it and beautiful. I got some sheep, goats, pigs, and I guess you could say a farm... but clone number 0.05 runs it now, and yes she's the girl form of myself... cloning is hard... but she's nice.

I'm kinda a billionaire because of my clones... not to brag at all. I don't use the money much for myself, though, and instead distribute the gains among my clones... and some other things.

I'm part Red-tailed Falcon. The Falcon DNA is from my mother. I can't shift to a Human form, or anything like a Human form. It's my DNA mix that causes the inability to shift to a Human form... My sister has the same problem.  The Elf DNA, we got from our father, obviously messed with everything. My mom and stepdad can shift to full Human forms, given that their shifts are a little less complex.

My family moved from the mountains back to my mom's original home, Laboratory only a couple years after I stopped adventuring. My mom's a Hybrid making her an experimental clone. She was born (in a way) on Laboratory, and moved away from the island with my father at the age of 18, a couple months before I was born. Young love... am I right? Let's just say she was... somewhat a possessive mother because of that.

I'm considered a Hybrid because of my mix of DNA, ability to shift forms, and ability to understand animals. I guess, other creatures and beings have those things too... so, I guess, the main reason is that I can shift, without ripping my clothes. Yep, you read that right I can shift to a Wolf or Falcon without losing or ripping my clothes. If you're wondering how, I could say it's magic but it's not magic. Science had grown enough by the time Humans started to experiment with the Hybridization process, that we don't lose our clothes. The real reason we don't lose them is because of a small -yes a bit magic- implant that was placed in our shoulders that only connects to Hybrid DNA signatures.

Since me and my sister weren't clones, our shifts work a bit differently. My mother's implant multiplied itself and the clone, I'll call it, implanted itself into me and my sister before we were born. It's weird how that works, but it evidently does.

I guess I should sum this up... it's already getting late... great. I don't wanna sleep, but I also don't wanna die from the lack of it. So I'll just leave you with this one last thing. My Elven powers are on the fritz... I don't know what will happen because of it... and my birthday is tomorrow. Let's both pray I don't hurt anyone, anything, or myself. For all I know I could lash at any moment... Even with the serum I made years ago to stop my lashings.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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