The Rise Of The Power Rangers

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After school Lincoln was sitting on the steps drawing on his notebook; a hobby that he practiced quite a bit. He was drawing Zordon from his daydream and greeted Clyde as he went to see what he was drawing.

Clyde: Hey Lincoln, what are you... ZORDON? DID YOU HAVE THE SAME DAYDREAM AS WELL?

Lincoln was stunned but they looked innocently as there were students nearby that glanced at them.

Lincoln: So did we share dreams or...

Then they saw Leni joining them.

Leni: Oh; did you say Zordon? Oh; that looks like the face from this daydream I had in class... We were all chosen to be.

Leni spoke as they found this weirder by the second.

Sid: Superheroes called Power Rangers?

Sid joining the group and Ronnie Anne.

They noticed the Moon Goats excitedly talking about music together as Lincoln went to ran up to them.

Lincoln then showed the drawing and she blinked.

Ronnie Anne: No way... Did all you dudes have the same daydream as me? Not the first time that I got in trouble for daydreamign in class but it was about being a rock star before and not this.

Ronnie Anne muttered as they took this all in.

Then they saw ugly looking clay like humanoids beginning to appear and attack the area outside the school with everyone running away in fear and then there was Goldar appearing to them.

Goldar: Run away and get the word out to your leaders to surrender for starting today! This planet belongs to Rita Repulsa and you should all direct all compliance to me Goldar her most loyal general!

Goldar leading the attack

Clyde: So.... That was real and we were really recruited! How are going to fight that!?

Clyde was freaking out big time.

Sid: Zordon said to use our Coins but we don't.

Then felt their coins appear in their hands and they all ran away together to a wall where they couldn't be seen.

Lincol: Okay... Here goes nothing... It's morphing time!

They felt their Coins transform into Morphers:

Ronnie Anne: Mastodon!

Leni: Pterodactyl!

Clyde: Triceratops!

Sid: Sabretooth Tiger!

Lincoln: Tyrannosaurus Rex!

They then marvelled at eachother and themselves as they saw that they had transformed into suits with their colour and grey with helmets patterned after their animal though Leni complained about if her hair was getting tangled up inside her helmet. They then ran towards the Putties and Goldar.

Ronnie Anne: Hey tall, gold and ugly... Get off our planet!

The five ran as confidently as they could and and began fighting the Putties, managing to toss them around with speed and strength like they hadn't imagined before using.

Goldar turned and was shocked to see them with his shock turning to anger.

Goldar: (Snarls) Zordon has found new Power Rangers.

Goldar as the Rangers got ready for their first fight.

Goldar charged with his sword at the 5 Rangers and they kept dodging him and kicking him back manging to send him back but he just kept fighting.

Clyde: So who or what are you; some sort of monkey knight?

Clyde kept and Lincoln dodging Goldar's sword strikes as Leni was doing her best to kick at Goldar with Sid and Ronnie Anne taking care of the rest of the Putties.

Goldar: Foolish Ranger; I am Goldar the trusted general of the terrible witch Rita Repulsa!

Goldar called out with a smirk as Lincoln started snickering.

Goldar: What is so funny Red Ranger?!

With Goldar finally managing to kick Lincoln back.

Lincoln: So is she a terrible witch as in evil or terrible as in she is a lousy witch?

With the Rangers snickering and Goldar furiously smashed a Putty that was snickering along with them.

Goldar: She is an evil and powerful witch and you shall pay for the disrespect!

Goldar snap sending out blasts with his sword at nearby cars and Lincoln managed to run to get the people away and was shocked to see Lori.

Lori: Who are you?

Lori near Vanzilla and Lincoln noticed that Luna and Luan were inside looking worried.

Lincoln: We are the Power Rangers and we are here to help! You need to get to safety!

Lori: No way! My brother and my other sister who goes here is still around and I have to make sure that they are safe! They are not answering their phones!

Lincoln was silent.

Lincoln: We will make sure that they are safe. Just get to safety for now!

Lincoln told them and then met with Goldar and he swept in with his sword with Lincoln wishing that he had a weapon. Lincoln almost closed his eyes but his mouth was wide open underneath his helmet as he saw that he was holding a red hilted sword with a silver blade and he then began clashing blades with Goldar.

The Rangers were in awe.

Sid: Wait if Lincoln could summon swords then maybe.

Sid spoke but was now holding yellow hilted sais. Sid: Not what I had in mind but they will do.

Sid running in to fight Goldar with the Sais.

Ronnie Anne had an axe, Clyde had twin daggers and Leni had a bow which was a weapon that most people wouldn't want her to do with the aiming not that you would want Leni to have weapons at all. Leni then began firing arrows at Goldar as they rest began teaming up on Goldar.

Goldar goes for an attack but grabbed his hand using his daggers and twisted it.

Goldar: Aaaahh! You Bart! You're going to pay for that!

Goldar tried to slash Clyde with his sword but it was shoot out of his hand.

Leni: Eat that you big jerk!

Ronnie then hit Goldar with her axe. With Sid jump on his back slashing at it. The two stop their with Lincoln landed a big slash to Goldar chest causing him to drop.

Goldar: N-no I can't lose!

Lincoln: Well you kind of did.

Goldar: (Laughs) Oh I have one more surprise for all of you.

Back at the Moon Palace; Rita was snarling at this saying

Rita: I don't believe this... Zordon has found Power Rangers again and they are stopping my invasion before it really begins! My best general is being defeated and Finster!

Rita then snapped right at a taken aback Finster shouting

Rita: Finster! Your Putties got beaten! I will deal with you in a second! If you want something done right! Make my Goldar grow!

Rita shouted using the magic in her staff glowing with green energy to the crystal ball. With the sound of Goldar laughing ending with a roar.

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