The Megazord

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The Rangers all gulped as they looked up and saw that Goldar had grown to giant size and was smirking and laughing at the same time.

Sid: I think that we are out of our depth here.

Clyde: I was thinking that this was getting too easy so sorry everyone if I jinxed it

Leni: I don't think that I can aim that high.

Leni muttered looking up with her bow.

Zordon: Rangers; don't fret for when you need extra help you only need to call in the Zords. Together they can form a Megazord.

The team hearing Zordon speaking into their heads and they had no idea what these 'Zords' were.

Lincoln: Okay... Here goes nothing! Summon the Zords!

They were in awe as out from a portal came the 5 giant robotic Zords of their respective color and ancient animal.

Sid: We get giant robots! This is my best dreams come true!

With them all jumping and teleported into the cockpits of the Zords.

Clyde: Wow. I feel the information on how to pilot these just in my head.

Clyde spoke in awe as he looked at the controls of the Zords.

Leni: Nice stereo!

Leni smiling deciding to hear some tunes.

Lincoln: Okay Rangers let's do this!

Lincoln ordered as they had the Zords charge at Goldar sending him back and then went together to form a tank mode which blasted at him. Then it transformed into the warrior Megazord with the sword and they were all joined in the same cockpit together and the were able to pilot the Megazord together.

Ronnie Anne: This so cool!

Then a huge came flying with the Megazord cashing it.

Using the sword to disarm Goldar. And slashing at his chest two time. Goldar stumbles back for the attack.

Goldar: This isn't over Rangers! You may have this battle but the war shall belong to the forces of Evil!

Goldar teleported away and the Rangers felt satisfied by their victory.

They looked down and saw the civilians looking up after getting out of hiding and then started cheering with some having their phones out to take pictures and and videos. They then teleported down and demorphed as the Megazord disappeared.

They went to the crowd outside of the high school with Clyde being caught in an embrace by his dads swearing to never let him out of his side again. There were the parents of Sid coming up to her with relief along with Ronnie Anne mom and brother.

Lori: Lincoln! Leni! Where were you two? Do you have any idea how worried I have been!

Lori demanded coming up to them and Lincoln felt himself pulled into an embrace by Luan as he hugged back (feeling guilty for them worrying) with Leni joining in the hug.

Lori sighed as she joined in as well with Luna and then the Loud parents arriving with the other children.

(At the moon base.)

Rita was furiously zapping Goldar with her magic staff as he was yelling in pain;

Rita: I can't believe this! My first day released and you both failed! Finster your Putties and Goldar you got beat by the next wave of child soldiers that Zordon recruited and you retreated!

Goldar: It won't happen again my Empress. (With Goldar swore feeling the pain.)

Rita: You had better not! I need you all to work with me to destroy the Power Rangers so that I can conquer Earth for Lord Zedd! I promise you that if I fail thanks to your incompetence then his punishment onto us shall be a thousand times worse than anything I can cook up!

Rita snapped as she then began leaving with Goldar getting up muttering in his breath with Finster looking worried.

Rita: I have a headache. I swear they get worse every time.

Rita muttered holding her head.

After some time to recover Lincoln and Leni managed to go to beds and in their dreams they were in the Morphing Grid again facing Zordon.

Lincoln: I think we handled day 1 of being Power Rangers so well!

Clyde: I think we were just lucky Lincoln.

Zordon: Luck had nothing to do with it Benny; your teamwork and skills in using your powers helped you prevail in the first battle with Rita's forces. However you shall need to follow these 3 rules.

The team listened intently.

Zordon: Rule 1; you can not use your powers for personal gain.

Lincoln knew that if he wasn't told then he might have been tempted to do just that.

Zordon: Rule 2, you can't escalate the battle unless Rita forces you.

Leni looked confused.

Ronnie Anne: Basically it means that we can't just bring out the Zords to deal with the clay monster foot soldiers.

Ronnie Anne explained to Leni who nodded understanding.

Zordon: Finally keep your identities a secret; no one must know that you are a Power Ranger.

Zordon finished and they knew that this would be hard to keep.

Zordon: Still excellent job and good luck; may the Power Protect You!

Lincoln: So Rangers ready to continue saving the world?

Lincoln asked with a smile and they gave smiled in return.

Clyde: As long as my best friend and the Man with a Plan can lead us!

Sid:'This is the coolest thing that ever happened to me! I saw the Megazord on the news and I was like! Punch! Slash! Boom! I was helping to pilot that thing!

Ronnie Anne: This is wild but I am in!

Leni: The outfits are cool but my hair in the helmets. still I am in.

Leni spoke as Lincoln then had them put their hands together and then they put them up in the air shouting out:

Everyone: POWER RANGERS!!!

Author note

The chapters will get longer.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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