what a party-Deathcest.

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The day was going splendidly, Geno was chatting away with Ink and Dream, Dream was just happy to attend a party and get away from drama, while Ink doesn't even remember why he came here, it wasn't his brothers birthday, and he hardly attends Reapwrs birthdays anyway, so why was here at Genos? Eh, who cares? At least he was doing something other than harassing Error.

Geno chatted happily with them, kinda complaining, I mean, he is a stay at home mum, just going on about how Reaper just gets to go out all the time while he's stuck home taking care of Goth.
Which wasn't true, Reaper is hone as often as he can be, so Geno can have his own time to go out and do whatever to have a break.

Reaper was in the kitchen with Cross, Goth, and Palette. Goth and Palette were... I'm gonna say, attempting to make a cake, it was a mess basically, but the two were happy, giggling, and trying to clean up and make a proper cake. It wasn't going well.

Reaper, however, wasn't so happy. He forced to sit there, listen to his spouse, sit in the living room, and talk shit about him as if he was the worst husband known to man, monster, and the Gods.
Cross heard everything Geno was saying, and really didn't know how to help Reaper, so in good Cross fashion, he ignored it and focused on his stepson and his friend make a cake.

"... Goth, can you get my whiskey from upstairs."
Goth looks over and nods, washing his hands and running upstairs quickly.
"I don't think you should be drinking on Genos' birthday. It won't exactly prove him wrong,"
Cross mumbled, kinda looking annoyed as he glanced at Reaper,
"Who cares, me sitting out here won't prove him wrong and me going out there and being all lovey dovey will make it look like I'm acting like a good husband so no one will think bad of me, it's a no win situation."
Despite his eyes being a black void, it was clear he just rolled them in annoyance.

After a few minutes or so, Goth returned with a near full bottle of whiskey. Why wasn't it full? Reaper wouldn't know. He hadn't touched it since he brought it ages ago. He was originally gonna give it to Geno, but he doesn't want to know what Geno will say about him while drunk.

So instead, Reaper decided to drink it himself, Goth got him a glass, placing it on the table by his father and going back to join Palette.
"Want some?..."
He offered, holding up the bottle on display for Cross, who shook his head no,
"No thanks,"
"Suit yourself..."
He opens the lid, pouring the dark redish orange liquid into the glass, placing the bottle down onto the table with a 'clink' and picking up the glass and downing it like that,
And like repeat,
Until he just started drinking front the bottle, who cares, right?

Things were getting a little fuzzy, but he kept it together, just chilling, giggling a bit as he watched Goth and Palette now try to decorate the cake they made!
Cross was clearly not impressed with his drinking but stuck around nonetheless.

"Aaaaaaand done!!"
Goth cheered, throwing his hands in the air. They made an absolute mess out of the icing. They had some idea to make icing flowers for the cake, but it backfired a bit.

"Looks great,"
Reaper stood up, examining the cake and giggling
"I'm sure Geno will loooove it!"
He picked up the plate, placing a cover over it and taking it out to the living room, placing it on the coffee table,
"Cakes ready!"
He cheered, slurring his words just a little.

Geno gave him a kinda annoyed look and lifted the cover,
"... what's this?"
He raised an 'eyebrow'
"Ohhh, you know, Gothy and lil Palette made ya cake! They wanted to get involved in the celebration! And you clearly stated I ain't helpful, so I proved you right and got them to make it. They were super excited! Dontcha like it?"
He said smugly, watching embarrassment and annoyance coat Geno as he forced a smile.
"Sure. It looks wonderful."
He mutters through gritted teeth.

Dream had a face of pure joy, along with Ink, who tried to reach up and pet Palettes head, so he just pet his back instead!
Cross, wasn't so happy, he knew the game Reaper just played, to was to get Geno to shut the fuck up, but he was impressed in Reapers commitment to it!

They sang happy birthday to Geno, who was now just annoyed, hiding it behind a grumpy smile.

"Does mum not like his cake?"
Goth whispered, looking up at Reaper, kinda disappointed. He knew it didn't come out the best, but he and Palette did try their best. Reaper just gave a shrug, petting Goths shoulder,
"Honestly, I don't know what he likes anymore, but I like the cake, and you and ya buddy had fun, for don't pay any piece of mind to your ungrateful mother."
He giggled quietly
"Oh! I know! I used to take Geno to a small flower field. Maybe if we go there and bring some back, he'll cheer up?"
Reaper suggests, and Goth nods. Before long, the two snuck off without cake, heading upstairs and disappearing through a portal.

Goth couldn't lie. The flowers were beautiful, glowing their yellow hue, the tree line surrounding it made it a kinda, closed in area, and the beautiful sunlight glowed gently through the branches.

Goth sat down, beginning to pick flowers while Reaper stood there, staring at the flowers, so many happy memories here with Geno, yet, was he the only one who felt that way?
"Daaad? Are you okay?"
Goth asks, now suddenly in front of him, waving his hands a bit, but he didn't get a proper response, just a hug, a tight hug.

"... I love you, Gothy..."
He gently caressed the back of Goths hood, making him giggle,
"I love you too, dad!"
There was silence for a moment before Reapers hand made its way under Goths chin, making him look up at him, There was a pause where they stared at each other, and Goth was the one to proceed, kissing Reaper passionately.

I'll work on the rest in part 2.

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