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As the night unfolded, Sam found himself amidst a lively crowd, engaged in conversations with various guests. Amidst the chatter and laughter, a young and bold woman named Olivia took a keen interest in Sam, making her intentions quite clear.

The flirtatious banter escalated when Sam excused himself to attend an important call. Seizing the opportunity, Olivia approached Cece with a sly smile. "So, Cecelia, how does it feel to be the wife of one of the largest business tycoons? Especially when your husband is such a catch! How do you think you deserved Sam?"

Cece, feeling a surge of frustration, responded firmly, "Our relationship is built on love and mutual respect. I don't need to prove anything to anyone."

A few moments later, Sam returned to the scene, unaware of the earlier exchange. Olivia, undeterred, attempted to flirt with Sam as they conversed. Feeling the tension rise, Cece decided to step away momentarily to collect her thoughts.

Sam, noticing her sudden departure and the wine glass in her hand, grew visibly frustrated. Excusing them from the gathering, he firmly took Cece's hand and led her to a quiet corner. The frustration on Sam's face was visible as he took the glass from Cece and put it aside.

"Cece, what are you doing? You can't be drinking when you're nine weeks pregnant. This is not the time for it," Sam sternly expressed his concern.

Cece, caught off guard, tried to downplay the situation. "Sam, it's just a glass, and I needed something to handle that situation."

Sam, frustrated and concerned, replied, "This isn't about handling situations. You need to prioritize the health. Drinking is not the answer, especially in your condition. We talked about this."

In the midst of Sam and Cece's conversation about her decision to drink, Olivia boldly intruded, making snide remarks about Cece to Sam. "Well, Sam, you sure know how to pick a classy wife. I mean, drinking when you're pregnant? That's a whole new level, isn't it?" Olivia's mocking tone added fuel to the tension in the air.

Cece, feeling the weight of Olivia's comments and growing frustration, couldn't hold back any longer. In an assertive yet agitated motion, she threw the remaining contents of her wine glass onto Olivia, a statement to shut down the judgmental and intrusive behavior.

Sam, witnessing the scene unfold, was torn between the escalating tension and the need to address Cece's choice to drink. The unexpected confrontation with Olivia added another layer of complexity to an already charged situation.

As Cece poured the wine, Olivia couldn't resist making another snarky remark. "Well, Cece, I hope your child doesn't inherit your taste for drama. And I heard you said you are expecting twins. You should know about the challenges of carrying twins, a scenario entirely fictional at this point."

Sam's eyes widened in disbelief, his jaw clenched with frustration.

Cece, feeling the weight of Olivia's comments and growing frustration, couldn't hold back any longer. In an assertive yet agitated motion, she threw the remaining contents of her wine glass onto Olivia, a statement to shut down the judgmental and intrusive behavior. In response, Olivia started to say something more, trying to provoke Cece further.

With determination in her eyes, Cece retorted, "Stay away from me and MY HUSBAND." Her words carried a mix of anger and protectiveness, drawing a clear boundary in the midst of the gathering.

As the drama unfolded, Ed swiftly approached the scene, immediately calling the security. He directed his attention to Olivia, asking sternly, "Who are you? Are you invited?" Simultaneously, Ed instructed the security to verify her identity, leading to the revelation that Olivia was an intruder.

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