19. Cut deep

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Talia looked at the floor, as Mason gave her yet another devastating below. It was a home that she paid for her father and her siblings to live in, she still paid his medical bills and she still paid the rent on the house. She paid the insurance too, but her father starting the fire with a cigarette meant that she wasn't going to get a payout and her father was now homeless too.
She sighed heavily. " wow! Being me and having my life really sucks....

"I'll help you in any way that I can, anything you need financially, professionally, or medically whatever, I will give you what you need..." Mason told her.

"Where the fuck is my father gonna live, he can't even look after himself

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"Where the fuck is my father gonna live, he can't even look after himself... I know he hasn't got any savings and he is sick, and he needs constant medical equipment and pills...

"Maybe he needs to learn to support himself Talia, maybe losing his home and his entire family will wake his ass up...

"Why would it? He has had so many opportunities to step up as a father and provide for us and he never took it, because he was never that man before my mom left. He is who he is Mason and no one and nothing is ever going to change it..." she said.

"do you want to go by the house and just take a look?....

"No... in a weird way. I'm glad that it's gone after the things that happened in that house to me. It was Satan's home not a family home. And I lived in it with the devil... yet, I still feel like I need to fight his corner and be there for him..."

"Because that is the type of person that you are. I see you out here on the streets being a tough chica, I see the way you handle things but I know there's a vulnerable side to you too, I see yo struggle. I see yo pain... This is why I wish you would understand how much I wanna be with you and how I'm not trying to play you. But you keep everyone at arms length because you've had to be so strong, for so long and you believe that everyone you come across is gonna do you wrong... I can assure you I'm not that man." He said to her.

"I need to get back to my apartment, Amelia loved that house, it was her childhood home. She had no reason not to apart from the fact that our mother was not there the rest of my siblings didn't have it too bad. I can't believe that it is just me and Amelia here now you know, what started off as a big family, has just whittled down to us... and I know she annoys the shit out of me because she does every second of every day... But I love her with all my heart.. she's my baby sister.."

"did you manage to speak to her yet about this baby?"

"no, she wants the baby and I get that, and maybe I just need to be there for her and support her with that... I don't mean that I'm gonna take over and become the baby's mother, but I mean I can actually be there for her and support her and help her to become a good mom...All she wants is someone to love, and someone to love her right back...." She sighed " but the only difficulty in the situation is that it's your son's child, if it was anybody else's you would be down for her to have the baby and for me to support her... But because of the situation, you're pulling back on me and I don't want it to affect us if we were to move forward properly..."

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