Author's Notes

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Hey readers,

Thank you so much for picking up my book. I'm really excited (and nervous!) for you to read it. A few things before you start:

~ I know the first chapter might feel a little slow as I set up the world and characters. But I promise it will pick up speed from there. Things are going to get really interesting as the story unfolds, so please stick with me through these first few chapters.

~I would love to hear your thoughts as you read, so, feel free to leave comments on each chapter letting me know what you think is happening, which characters you like, or any other reactions you have. As a new author, feedback really helps me improve my writing.

~It would also mean a lot if you share this book with others you think might enjoy it. As an independent author just starting out, word of mouth is so important. Even just mentioning it to a friend or posting about it on social media could help my work reach new readers.

~I will be adding new chapters regularly, either daily or weekly depending on my schedule. Please be patient -because I want to take the time to craft each part of the story carefully. I will update here in the conversation section with the posting schedule so you know when to expect more.

~ This is a work of fiction. The characters and their viewpoints are for humorous purposes and do not reflect my own personal beliefs. My aim is to create a fun and entertaining story, and I hope you will enjoy the ride!

Since it's a rom-com (romantic comedy), keep in mind that the situations and references may be exaggerated for comedic effect.


The following work is a fictional story meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblances to real people, locations, or events are entirely coincidental.

The views and opinions expressed in this story are those of the fictional characters alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the author.

Some details related to places, organizations, or events may have been altered or simplified for ease of storytelling. While efforts were made to depict certain settings or situations realistically, creative liberties were taken in the interest of crafting an engaging narrative experience.

All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely by chance.

No reference to any real person, place, or event is intentional or should be inferred.

The author has no special knowledge about the industry or situations referenced beyond what is commonly known or could be reasonably researched.

The author has exercised reasonable care in presenting both accurate and unreliable information but makes no guarantees as to the complete accuracy or validity of all material.

By choosing to read this story, the reader understands that this is a work of fiction and releases the author from any claims regarding the inaccurate or inconsistent portrayal of people, events, organizations or details.


Thanks again for giving my book a chance. I hope you have a great time flipping the pages..ha ha! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Talk soon,

Kiss me under the Hollywood signDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora