Chapter 17

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I took a deep breath as the confusing storm of emotions swirled inside me. Part of me was relieved to see Daniel standing there but another part of me was also annoyed. I mean, who does this guy think he is showing up out of nowhere after what happened? After he left me to go home on my own. It was giving me a real jumble in my stomach that's for sure.

"Mr. Hunter" I croaked, my voice sounding like a rusty bike chain. "You are here".

He gave me a small smile but it didn't reach his eyes. "Making sure my employee isn't pulling a Houdini, of course." He was trying to make a joke of it but I could see the worry written all over his face.

That's when I realized Sarah wasn't around and felt a twinge of concern. "Where's Sarah??"

"Oh yes. Your friend... she said she had to run an errand but she'll be back soon." Daniel explained. "In the meantime, I thought you might be sick of staring at these ugly hospital walls. Want to take a walk with me up and down the hall?"

I have to admit, getting out of that cramped bed was starting to sound pretty nice. With Daniel's help, I slowly swung my legs over the side and stood up shakily. My stomach was still stinging something fierce but I tried not to let it show. Daniel wasn't as flashy as you'd think up close—he carefully unhooked my IV pole thingy and helped steady me like I was a little old lady crossing the street.

"Easy does it," he said in a low, gentle voice that was different than what I was used to hearing from a big-shot celebrity.

Using Daniel as my own personal leaning post, I took my first wobbly steps since the incident. Everything was spinning like a carousel and my gut was on fire but I was determined not to show any signs of weakness.

"Whoa there," Daniel grunted, his arm tightening around my waist to support me.  "Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all."

"No, I need some air." I said stubbornly, finding an unexpected burst of spunk.

Daniel helped guide me gingerly down the hall like I was an injured bird. The sterile hospital smell was overwhelming but staring out the window at the pink and orange sunrise gave me a breath of freshness. It was strange seeing the beautiful colors against the plain boring walls of my temporary home.

After a few minutes of limping in silence, I finally spoke up. "You don't need to worry about me, you know."

Daniel turned to look me in the eyes with a face full of guilt and sorrow, very different from his usual carefree movie star mug.

"Like heck I don't," he said intensely. "Ms. Watson, what happened to you is my fault. Because of me and that crazy Olivia..." He trailed off, jaw clenched like he was trying hard not to lose it.

"She's clearly off her rocker," I offered, keeping my voice calm even though my insides were still doing somersaults.

Daniel nodded. "And you never should have been dragged into our mess. I'm having the best doctors in LA looking after you now. The good news is the cut wasn't too deep so you'll heal up just fine. But the whole fact that you had to go through this at all..."

I could tell what he wasn't saying out loud—a big fat silent apology for the twist my normal small town life had taken after getting caught up in his messy celebrity drama.

"It's not your fault," I said, surprised by the empathy welling up in me.

He let out a long sigh, like the weight of the world was on his broad shoulders. "Maybe not, but I still feel responsible for your safety. And I promise Ms. Watson, no matter what, I will make sure you're safe from now on."

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