(III)the Malik legacy

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"I never wanted throne,I never wanted to be king.All I wanted is my family but all I got this legacy." - Akshat Malik

"This is Control room,this is control room,Soldier Reaper is ordered to stop the helicopter.Reaper is ordered "

The blasted engine of his bike made up for the noise of road.The tension of his muscular body skyrocket when his gaze found the helicopter is leaving towards other side of ocean.

The chase is on.

"Man seriously are they so hell bent on giving you every bloody mission impossible where you either get injured or almost face death!"the voice of annoyed Jigar Singh who is sitting behind the back of Reaper on bike is totally furious.

But Reaper gaze never left his prey as he started high speed chase even though he saw the gun from helicopter pointed towards him.

Jigar felt tense watching his friend , Reaper not giving up as he chase towards helicopter direction.

Then Jigar saw in horror as his friend left the handles of bike making Jigar jumped and leaned forward hurriedly to catch the handles.

Then Reaper took off his gun and shot their enemy who was shooting towards them .


Jigar stare in disbelief as Reaper shot the driver of helicopter rather then enemy and made helicopter crashed in the ocean.

"Jigar slow down ,I need to go for swim."Reaper cold voice made Jigar snort .

But he did follow the orders.

What follows half an hour swimming and blasting helicopter into pieces.

Jigar stare at his friend standing wet from head to toe ,his muscles ripped from tight military uniform then the indifferent gaze as if he didn't hunt down the enemy when Reaper himself have blood trailing from his shoulder after getting shot at the start of chase.

"They gave you damaged bullet proof jacket again,Akshat."Jigar bitterly spat.He hated the constant bullying and humiliation his friend suffer in army .

From the time Jigar was thrown in the army by his elder brother to become something other than Casanova,he met Akshat Malik.A Reaper of death.Who always have success rate in the missions.

But it was never simple,Akshat was never treated well and when he know it was order from above,he hated all these fucking above.

"Let's go."Akshat ignore everything he said and walked towards bike.

Jigar jump up from ground and made bee line towards bike "Nope!I am driving.We are going to find my father cheap border clinic where you will get treated without being subjected to taunts and bullies."

Akshat Malik didn't say anything which is directly stating he agreed.He is holding his shoulder but there was no whimper or ache can be seen.

Jigar Singh saw this which made him more furious,they made his buddy pain tolerance so high that he fucking don't care when he is shot and still driving.

As he drove towards his father clinic,Jigar couldn't help from ranting angrily "Have those politicians gone nuts?This was dangerous mission and it was possible for you to die because enemies were holding advance weapon they stole from our team,It was like unit mission where we needed forty soldiers.Why the hell these above are trying to make you greet death so desperately and so suddenly?"

Akshat Malik who have been silent gave nonchalant reply "No one wants me to sit on throne."

Jigar startled quickly stopped the bike and turned his head towards his friend.

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