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As the fight raged on, y/n's tears turned to sobs," Did I do something wr.. wrong.?" With that she ran away from that place crying and sobbing.

She kept running and running. Until she found herself lost on the dark streets of the city. The street lamps cast an eerie glow, and an unsettling silence hung in the air. Y/n's heart raced as she stopped running and hurried down the sidewalk.

She heard some footsteps. Her foots stopped walking. She felt her heart could jump out of her chest any moment.

Unless she heard someone speaking in a deep and husky voice," hey, beautiful."

She wanted to run. But couldn't as if someone controlled her legs. She spun around at the back where the voice heard from.

Suddenly, a sinister presence enveloped her. A grotesque demon emerged from the darkness, its eyes glowing with an eerie red light. Y/n's body froze in terror as the demon reached out its claws towards her.

He scratched her hands as she winced in pain.

Y/n began to speak,"w..who are you"?

He made a sad face,"I thought you know me y/n. But sad." As he began to get closer to me.

"H..how do you know my name." As said she wanted to step back but she couldn't move.

Huh?" the demon growled in confusion, its guttural voice sending shivers down y/n's spine. "Well a long story."

Y/n's heart pounded as the demon advanced towards her closer, its clawed hands reaching out again. She turned to run but tripped, falling to the ground. The demon loomed over her, a twisted grin on its hideous face.

Just as the demon was about to snatch her up again, a blur of movement flashed in front of y/n. A figure with pale skin and piercing crimson eyes had appeared, standing between her and the demon.

"Leave her be, foul creature," the figure commanded in a deep, authoritative voice. Well he was Jungkook.

The demon hissed and snarled, but jungkook's imposing presence kept it at bay. With lightning speed, Jungkook attacked, its movements a blur as it fought off the demon.

Y/n watched in awe as the two supernatural beings battled. Finally, Jungkook overpowered the demon, though Jungkook was already weakened,  sending it retreating back into the shadows with a howl of defeat.

Then he looked at me with tired eyes,"y/n". He called me in a soft voice.

His soft voice put me in comfort like he had been protecting me for so long. Yet I barely know him.

He grabbed my hand and said,"let's go baby girl".

To be continued...

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