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"I think I have fallen in love with you"

"Good" he replied and his expression emotionless.

Won't he say I have fallen for you too?


Why he didn't say he loves me? Why his face was cold and expressionless? He really doesn't love me?

Am I being fooled by him?

I was bothered by these thoughts all day.

No I need to talk to him about this.

I stood up from my bed in my room and walked straight to his room.

His room was locked.

I went close to door to open it


I heard the sound of a girl moaning in his room.

Then I heard Jungkook spoke from the room,
         "My dear love. You satisfied me today."

Hearing that my heart shattered into pieces and a tear dropped off my eyes.

I stood back but I felt a hand on my mouth and dragged into a dark corner.

I faced ...her.

Hannah? The woman I saved in the demon territory?

The woman hissed in annoyance,"Prince Jungkook is with his fiancee Eunbi. Don't dare to disturb them."



                           Author POV

She pushed her roughly,"Don't touch me, bitch."

Said that y/n ran as fast as her paws could carry her through the castle and thick, mysterious jungle. Her heart was pounding from betrayal after being used by Jungkook in his dark castle.

The jungle foliage grew denser with every step, branches and vines grabbing at her fur. But she pushed on, desperate to escape the prince's clutches. The air grew heavy and humid, sweat beading on her brow.

Eventually, y/n's legs grew weary from the sprint. She spotted a massive tree up ahead and collapsed in front of it, chest heaving. Silent tears streamed down her face as she replayed the prince's deceit in her mind.

Just as her sobs began to quiet, the werewolf girl's eyes grew heavy.

She was so ...tired.

The soothing sounds of the jungle lulled her into a deep sleep beneath the towering tree.


She woke up hearing a faint sound- the heavy, ragged breathing of another creature. her wolf-like senses instantly alert. She rose to her feet, silently padding forward on paws softened by the moss underfoot. The sound was coming from deeper in the woods.

Y/n's golden eyes scanned the shadows, searching. Then she spotted it - a dark shape lying amidst the undergrowth. As she drew closer, the shape resolved into the prone form of another werewolf. She crept nearer, nostrils flaring as she caught the metallic scent of blood.

"Jimin?" Y/n murmured.

The werewolf's fur was matted and one of its hind legs hung at an unnatural angle.

"J-Jimin, who did this to you? She knelt down beside the injured creature, gently nosing it. A weak whimper escaped the werewolf's jaws.

Y/n knew she had to act fast.

Summoning her strength, she carefully grasped the other werewolf in her jaws and began to half-carry, half-drag it back towards the city?

Or should she take him to the werewolf territory?

But she didn't know where it was.

While she was carrying him, she heard some small groans from his mouth, as he slowly turned to his human shape.

"Jimin, plea..se hol..d on. You will be saved." She murmured.

To be continued...

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