character q&a (closed)

189 9 71

okay so this was the surprise didkdkdkemd. this is a character q&a, y'all can ask the characters any question and they'll answer it for you (unless it's a repeated question). i read about this in another book which i dont remember what it was called and decided it would be fun if these characters also answered your guys' questions. credits to that author whoever it was, i can't seem to find that book either

btw you can ask how many questions you want as long as they're not repeated. you can reply with the questions in line with their names

- hongjoong

- seonghwa

- yunho

- yeosang

- san

- mingi

- wooyoung

- jongho

- raya

this is only open until wednesday so if you want your questions answered by them be quick. you can also ask weird ass questions, they'll love it (pls don't let this be a flop i beg)

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