May casually visits Penny for the first time

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May stood frozen in the doorway, her eyes widening in surprise at the scene before her. She hadn't expected to walk in on something like this. Penny, the Pokémon trainer from the Paldea region, was indeed in her apartment room, but the sight that greeted May was entirely unexpected.

There, on Penny's desk, was her beloved Eevee, and Penny herself was leaning over, her focus entirely on the small Pokémon. May blinked, trying to process what she was seeing. Penny was tenderly licking at the Eevee's butthole, her expression one of affection and care. It was clear that this act was born out of love for her Pokémon, wanting nothing more than to ensure its comfort and happiness.

For a moment, May hesitated, unsure of how to react. She didn't want to intrude on this intimate moment between Penny and her Pokémon, yet she couldn't deny her curiosity and the questions swirling in her mind. Slowly, she cleared her throat, announcing her presence in the room.

"Penny," she said softly, her voice carrying a mixture of surprise and curiosity, "I... I didn't mean to interrupt. I just... I wanted to visit."

Penny's head snapped up, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment as she realized she had been caught in the act. Quickly, she straightened up, a sheepish smile spreading across her face.

"Oh, May! I, uh, didn't expect you to come by," Penny stammered, her cheeks still tinged with pink. "I was just... uh, giving my Eevee some extra attention. You know how much I love them."

May nodded slowly, her surprise giving way to understanding. She could see the genuine affection in Penny's eyes as she looked at her Pokémon. It was clear that this act was simply another way for Penny to express her love and care for her companion.

"It's okay, Penny," May reassured her, offering a warm smile. "I understand. You have a special bond with your Eevee, and it's clear that you care for them deeply."

Penny's smile widened at May's words, grateful for her understanding. With a nod of thanks, she turned back to her Pokémon, continuing to shower it with affection.

As May watched the tender interaction between Penny and her Eevee, she couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth fill her heart.

As Penny playfully suggested May give it a try, May felt a mixture of bashfulness and curiosity wash over her. With a cute blush coloring her cheeks, she nodded, intrigued by the idea. "I-I guess I could give it a try," she mumbled shyly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Summoning her courage, May retrieved one of her Pokéballs and released her female Buneary onto the other side of Penny's desk. The Buneary blinked in confusion before turning its attention to May, its ears twitching with curiosity.

With Penny's encouraging gaze upon her, May took a deep breath and approached her Buneary, her heart racing with anticipation. "Okay, Buneary," she said softly, her voice trembling slightly with nervousness, "I'm going to try something new. Just relax and let me know if you like it, okay?"

The Buneary tilted its head, clearly uncertain, but May could see the trust and affection in its eyes. With a shy smile, she leaned forward, her lips hovering close to the Buneary's backside. "Here goes nothing," she whispered to herself, her heart pounding in her chest.

As May tentatively licked at the Buneary's butthole, she held her breath, waiting for a reaction. To her surprise and relief, the Buneary let out a soft gasp, its body relaxing under May's touch. Encouraged by the positive response, May continued, her actions guided by a newfound sense of confidence and determination.

"Wow, Buneary," May murmured, her voice filled with wonder, "you really seem to enjoy this, don't you? It's... it's kind of nice, isn't it?"

The Buneary chirped in agreement, its tail wagging happily as it leaned into May's touch. Emboldened by the Buneary's enthusiastic response, May felt a sense of warmth and closeness enveloping them both.

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