Niall Attacked By Highland Cow 🐮 ~ 2017

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Niall's POV
Scotland. The only place where I could go and have none recognise me. Right now, I was taking a stroll across some of the countryside and I went into a field that had some highland cattle in it.

Most of them were calm and uninterested in me, but there was one that was watching me. It looked angry, like it didn't want me there, so I walked a bit faster.

Halfway across the field, I looked back and saw that this cow was following me, so I sped up my pace. Then it charged, and I sprinted. I didn't see it reach me as, the next thing I knew, ots horns were on either side of me and I was being thrown backwards, up and over the beast.


Instead of sound, there was a high pitched noise in my ears, and the world was black. I couldn't tell what hurt and what didn't, but I knew that I was on the ground.
"Urgh," I groaned before I felt the ground starting to shake. I forced myself to sit up and open my eyes. The beast was coming back towards me with its horns and its head down. Without very little time to react, I moved to the side and it charged past me, kicking me in the chest with a hoof as it passed. "Argh!" I called before I wrapped my hand around my stomach.

There was a deep grunt, then the noise animals make when they breathe out a lot of air. I turned to see this beast getting ready to charge once more. I tried to gather myself for another evasive manoeuvre, but a figure appeared in-front of me and started screaming.
"Argh! Arghrgh! Piss off you highland beast. Arghargh! " They cried in a thick Scottish accent. To my great surprise, and relief, the cow stopped at this man before hoofing me in the bollocks.
"Argh," I groaned as I fell onto my back and I cradled my balls with my hand. I hated that fucking cow.
"Oh, that is bad luck. Now get lost, you overgrown bastard," He said and I felt him take one of my hands, wrap his other arm around my waist and he helped to pull me up. "Do you think you can walk? We need to get you out of this field before the bull comes back for more."
"He got me in the bollocks."
"I know. You Irish don't have as hardy bollocks as we Scots do."
"Argh!" I cried out as I stepped on my right ankle and pain shot up my leg.
"Shit. We need to fucking move now," The Scot said before he lifted me onto his shoulders and started running. I opened my eyes to see him run through a metal gate before he closed it at lightning speed. He let go of me and I slid off his back, hopped on my good leg before I leant back against a stone wall.


The bull that had violently attacked me hit the metal gate and proceeded to ram its horns against it.
"Eye, he'll be fine now for a wee while," The Scot said before he turned to me.
"Thank you. Without you, I was about to be killed by a highland cow."
"It's my pleasure, he's a feisty one. I'm Lewis by the way."
"Niall," I said, and we shook hands.
"How are you balls doing now?"
"And your ankle..." Lewis asked before the bull charged at the gate and hit it with a loud crash.
"Are you sure that the gate will hold?"
"Yeah. For 4 more charges at least."
"Oh. Good," I said before Lewis pulled my trouser leg up and he looked at my ankle.
"That doesn't look good."
"No, I can't walk on it."
"We'll have to get you to hospital, come on," Lewis said, and he wrapped his arm around me before I hobbled as best I could to his car.
"Argh," I groaned as I got into the car and Lewis put some frozen peas onto my ankle.
"These will have to do."
"They're better than nothing," I told Lewis and he closed the door before he got into the driver's seat beside me.

Suddenly, there was an almighty crash as Lewis started to drive and I saw the bull charge onto the road. He stared at us as Lewis started to drive.
"You need to drive fast Lewis. It's on the road.
"Don't worry, we'll easily outrun him."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. He won't stray far from the herd."
"If you're sure, because I'm not and I don't want to die today," I said as Lewis accelerated and I saw the bull coming at full speed towards us.
"You're not going to die, you big Irish softy."
"He's really coming for us."
"He needs a good run. Come and get me you big bastard," Lewis said and he accelerated to the top speed. Either I was going to die in the horrific car crash we were about to have, or the bull would reach us and finish the job he had started. "There you go, he's lost interest," Lewis said and I looked round. The bull had stopped and he turned round before he started trotting back to the broken gate.
"Fuck," I said as I rested back and sighed.
"You were panicking over nothing. I wouldn't let you die Niall."
"Thank you."
"You were always my favourite in One Direction you know."
"So you would have let Harry, Liam or Louis get killed?"
"No, you're all amazing. I might have let the bull get Zayn, after what he did."
"He had his reasons, but I'm not sure that he deserves to die for leaving the band."
"I can't argue with that."
"So you saved me because I was in One Direction?"
"Yeah. What, did you think I was being nice?"
"I would like to think so," I said with a laugh. This would be the moment that Lewis turn out to be a serial killer.
"I'm Scottish, we're not that nice."
"Ok. Thank you though, for saving my life."
"I didn't save your life, you're just being a drama queen," Lewis said and he drove over a large bump in the road.
"Argh!" I yelled before the pain in my ankle died down a little.
"...I seem to do it every other day with someone walking through that field. It's helping me to lose the pounds," Lewis said and I looked at him.
"I can see that you need to loose a few."
"Are you calling me fat?"
"No. But you are fat."
"And you just got beaten up by a highland bull, so you don't you start taking the high ground."
"No..." I said before I winced and I carefully ran a hand over my chest. I grimaced as the pain got worse, I think the bull had bloody well broken a few of my ribs.
"What's wrong with your chest? You're not going to have a heart attack on me now are you?"
"No. I might have broken a few ribs... Argh..."
"As long as you can breathe, you'll be fine," Lewis said before he went quiet and he focused on the road.

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