Liam Bonfire Night

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Liam's POV
It was bonfire night and I was together with all of the boys. We had all managed to meet up in June as well, and we'd had a few days chilling at Niall's house, which had been incredible. The boys were being so kind and understanding, and with their support I was feeling much more like my normal self. I was starting to write pieces of songs, and Cheryl and I had come to an arrangement about Bear. Life was getting better.
"Another drink Liam?" Louis asked me.
"Yeah. Why not?"
"When are the fireworks starting?"
"Any minute now."
"Will we be able to see them from here?" Harry asked me.
"See them? We're on a balcony overlooking London. Of course we'll be able to see them from here."
"It's a valid question."
"Here we go liam," Louis said as he came over with the drinks.
"Thanks Louis," I said, and I took my drink from him as the first firework went off.
"Woah! Fucking hell," Niall said as it went off very close to us. The loud bang made Louis stumble and I caught him as he nearly fell over the balcony's barricade.
"Louis! Are you alright?" I asked as I pulled him back.
"Yeah, I almost went over. I wasn't prepared for that firework."
"Stand over here with me Louis."
"Ok. Thanks Liam," Louis said and he went over to stand with Harry. Fireworks this close, with Louis's sensitive hearing, weren't ideal.
"Are you ok?" Harry asked him.
"Yeah. It just startled me and my balance went funny."
"At least here you won't fall over the balcony."
"Exactly," Louis said and the fireworks continued. Harry had his arm around Louis and I watched the firework display. It was impressive until my foot slipped and I fell over the balcony with a shout.

Harry's POV
The fireworks finished and I turned to Louis, who was checking his ears.
"Are you alright Louis?"
"Yeah, they were just a bit close."
"Are your ears ok?"
"I think so. There's a ringing sound, but hopefully that will stop in a minute."
"They were very loud. Is everything ok Louis?" Niall asked as he came over to us.
"Yeah... ok, the ringing's stopped."
"Good. It was a bit too loud for Louis."
"Shit, your ears."
"Yeah. I almost fell off the balcony, but Liam stopped me."
"You almost fell?"
"Yeah. The first one startled me and I almost went over.
"Payno did you...?" Niall asked before he cut himself off as he looked round. "Liam?"
"Where is he?"
"He was here a minute ago."
"Did he go inside for something?"
"He might have done, but I had just got him a drink."
"There's a lot of noise coming from below us," I said and I walked to the balcony. My heart stopped as I saw the commotion on the outside area below us. Liam was sitting on the side of the infinity pool and he was clearly struggling to breathe. Lots of people were around him and others were busy getting ice packs.
"Is that Liam?"
"What's he doing down there?"
"Fuck. You don't think he fell?"
"Off the balcony?" Louis asked and he became serious. "We need to get down there," Louis said and Niall and I followed him.


"Liam. What happened lad?" Louis asked as he rushed to him.
"...fell," Liam gasped. He had taken his shirt off and his entire chest was purple and bruised.
"You fell off the balcony?" Niall asked and Liam nodded.
"Argh," Liam winced as someone placed an ice pack on his back and Louis took hold of it for him.
"We didn't know. And you stopped me from going over first."
"Is he alright?" I asked the person who was in the water in front of Liam, who he was a doctor (I had established that from talking to him earlier on in the night).
"He's winded and bruised, but he should be alright."
"Can you breathe Liam?"
"Focus on breathing lad, it's alright."
"Can you lie down? It will make breathing easier," I asked and Liam nodded.
"We've got you," Niall said and both he and Louis helped Liam to lie down on his back.
"How did we not notice?"
"It was the fireworks, they were so loud."
"But he fell over the balcony."
"We were looking the other way Harry."
"You... bastards," Liam said before he took a deep breath in.
"How did you fall Liam?"
"I... slipped... went, over..."
"I'm so sorry that we didn't notice."
"It's... ok."
"We're with you now Liam."
"How's your breathing?"
"Getting... there."
"That's good."
"How much does your chest hurt?"
"A, lot."
"It's badly bruised Liam."
"I... guessed..."

We stayed with Liam as his breathing improved and soon he was able to sit up. We gave him some painkillers and got him some more ice. Everyone else had continued the party, but they had turned the music down and moved it inside to give us some space.
"I was not expecting this to happen tonight," Niall said.
"How's the pain Liam?" Louis asked him.
"It's getting better."
"Good, because this ice is melting."
"What do you want to do Liam? Stay up or go to bed?" I asked him.
"I think getting some rest... would be the best plan."
"Ok lad."
"Who do you want to give you a hand Liam?"
"Ok," Niall said and we all gave him a hand to stand up.
"Enjoy the party," Liam told me and Niall.
"Thanks Liam. Get some rest and we'll check on you in the morning."
"In your own time Liam. There's no rush."
"Thank you for looking after me, again. Despite falling and getting winded, I'm... so much better than I, was."
"That's great to hear Liam."
"This is about Cheryl?"
"Yes. Thank you for being kind to me boys."
"Of course."
"I'm glad this year is going much better than last year."
"You all mean so much to me."
"And you mean the world to us. Now, get some rest."
"Come on lad," Louis said and Liam left with him.
"He's doing so much better isn't be Harry?"
"He is. Tonight was crazy though."
"How the fuck he did fall and we didn't notice?"
"I don't know."
"Come on," Niall said and he put his arm around my shoulder before leading me to the doors. He flung them open and shouted to the crowd: "Party's back on!"

I soon found a drink in my hand and the party continued into the night. Louis joined us a little while later and he told us that Liam was comfortable in his room, and he was getting some much needed sleep.
"To Liam," I said as I handed out shots to Louis and Niall.
"To Liam."
"Liam!" Louis called and we all drank the shots. We were all very proud of Liam and life was finally good for all of us.

1D | The TideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora