A Journey for Love

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The wind rattled the windows. Sean stopped his guitar to breathe in the heat from the vent. Then, his cellphone rang.

"Hey, I expected you to be –"

"I know, your voice is what I need to hear right now." Danni interjected, and a sigh was released.

"Is it your dad again?" He asked.

"Yes," she whispered, "I wish you were here, but you are so far away."

Springing up, he pulled the curtain aside to see his 2001 Buick Regal. The red paint peeled away at some areas and one of the headlights was buried under duct tape.

"I wish I was there too," he whispered back. After a few minutes, the conversation ended, and a lingering idea consumed his mind.

Pulling on his dark jeans and long-sleeved shirt, he silently left the house after grabbing his coat.

The wind rubbed his face numb. Tightening his coat, he settled into the driver's seat. "Here we go," he said and then...nothing? Again, he turned the key and held his breath as the engine refused to spark life. Breath escaped from him, and his fist slammed on the stirring wheel. When your car decides not to work, he thought. He quickly looked in the mirror at his dark brown eyes and careful buzz cut.

Climbing out of the car, the shed seemed to dim in darkness. Calling to him... Pictures of his bike, that was buried underneath the Christmas decorations, pulled him towards it. The orange color seemed faded from years of neglect, but the nostalgia was fresh in his mind.

"Wait... Maybe...?"

Retrieving his phone, he went back to the GPS and tapped on the bike icon. A map with the directions popped up and the set time of eight hours was in black numbers. Eight hours...

"It's eight o'clock now," Sean said, "I'll make it before she leaves for work."

New determination surged through his veins, and he climbed on. The seat was a little wobbly and the gears whined into action. Pushing off, his idea was set into motion.


Breathing heavily, Sean came to a stop in front of the bike trail. The gates were open with a chilling welcoming. Darkness swallowed the woods and the sound of crickets increased by the minute. The headlights came into view from the same police car that stopped him earlier. He refused to turn around. Swallowing his nerves, he inched his way beyond the gate.

The woods came alive with life as he turned his camera flashlight on. Doing so formed the path he saw before him. This would be a detour but if he followed the GPS, he'd be fine. The wheels rode over a bumpy path filled with dips and rocks. Hearing howls and chattering didn't help his nerves, because he believed there were creatures within the trees. This thinking caused his imagination to run wild and his energy to spike up, pedaling faster.

Sean concentrated on his GPS and the lighted path before him. He could imagine the trees trying to grab him with their small twigs and it became a life-or-death situation in his mind.

And just as it began, the trail ended, and he was brought out on the other side. Looking back, he shivered and shook his head. "I bet it isn't like this during the day," he murmured.

Checking his GPS, and the time left, he resumed pedaling on the side of the dark road. Sweat rolled down his back, masking how cold it was outside. His face was still numb from feeling the harsh winds, but he knew that the temperature was dropping. His hands were proof.

The moon seemed to move as Sean continued his route, indicating the passage of time. Exhaustion began to wear on his muscles and the lengthy ride ached his butt. Along the way his seat broke off and forced him to pedal standing up, resulting in a sudden stop.

He let his bike drop and he sat on the cool, morning grass. Not being aware of where he was, he laid back and closed his eyes.

A vibration of an eighteen-wheeler passing by jolted him awake. Confusion clouded his mind until all the memories came back. He was a man on a mission and energy guided him to his feet. From sleeping, the winter chill seeped into his skin. Shivering, he checked his GPS: Two more hours. Two more hours until he saw Danni.

Ignoring his soreness, he pushed back on his route. It was the homestretch and he needed to force himself just a little bit more.

Darkness wrapped around his body as he turned off his phone light. His eyes adjusted well. The thoughts of his girlfriend created the goofy smile he disliked, but it's the smile Danni adored so much.

With disbelief, the phone's logo appeared on the screen and then blackness. Sean skidded to a stop. "No," he whispered. Yelling in frustration, he let his bike drop. How would he get to her now?

The moon seemed to brighten in his despair, and he glanced at his broken bike. All his hard work seemed to be for nothing. Yanking his bike upright again, he pushed off.


It felt like hours before the first sign of light appeared in the distance. Sean kept going in hopes he'd run into someone. The cold numbed his whole body, and his legs were trembling from exhaustion. But, seeing that shrivel of light kept him pedaling for help. Approaching, he noticed it was a Sunoco gas station. There were a few cars parked at the pumps and inside it was busy with those individuals.

Leaning his bike against the side wall, he waited at the door for someone to come out.

A couple was the chosen ones for him to ask directions. "Excuse me," Sean stepped into the overhead light. The guy blocked his girl and sized him, to determine if he was trouble.

"Babe, go pump the gas," he instructed and faced Sean, "what can I help you with?"

"I'm sorry for bothering you. I just want to know how to get to Donn Avenue."

"Oh," the guy said and relaxed, "you're almost close. Take this road up and make a left."

Thanking him and waving his farewell, Sean continued. Gone was the soreness, gone was the tiredness, gone was the doubt that he wouldn't see Danni. He was in Jacksonville, Florida, finally.

All his thoughts were focused on the directions. An image of her face formed in his mind. Her light brown eyes were hypnotizing, and her light skin was so smooth. Just thinking about her put him in high spirits. Turning left, at the end of the road, he saw the apartment complex. He made it to Donn Avenue. The gated entrance welcomed him, and he rode through them.

Riding along the sidewalk, her building came up fast. Each building housed four apartments, two upstairs and two on the bottom. The doors were painted black, and it matched the staircase connecting the two floors. He was here. Door one, building three.

Sean let his bike drop to the grass and breathed out a sigh as he made his way to the door. Knocking, he waited in anticipation. The sunrise was creeping upward and, with that, a sinking feeling.

The door opened but it wasn't Danni.

"Hey, Mrs. Robinson. Is Danni here?"

"I'm so sorry, Sean," her mother said, "you just missed her."

His excitement vanished. His legs were shaking, and sleepiness took over his mind.

"Did you bike here?" she asked, "but, you live in Starke!" Moving from the door, she beckoned him in. "Go rest in the guest room and when you wake up, you'll have to share with me your bike ride."  

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