An Empty Promise

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Cindy's mind was jumbled. Her eyes seemed to be emotionless, but her heart hurt with an ache she couldn't handle. She stared at the man she loved and would do anything for. His black hair faded cut, perfect. His deep brown eyes, perfect. His beard, she hated at first but grew to adore, perfect. His full lips, that were soft to the touch, perfect. His physical appearance, even with a little fat on his stomach, perfect.

Everything she felt about him was perfect and this shattered her more. What did she do to deserve this? Thoughts going back seven years to their wedding day, and, carefully, searching for the answer that'll satisfy her. The man, she loved, finally looked up from the papers and set those eyes on hers.

Cindy averted her gaze.

Months ago, her world was normal. Months ago, she felt like she belonged. Months ago, she was telling him her future plans, which had him and their first house, with their child.

Memories forced their way back into her mind; the night that changed her life:

"Divorce?" Cindy repeated the word, but it felt forbidden on her tongue. She put their toddler to bed and now, they sat in the kitchen.

"I'm not happy..."

"Baby, we're just going through a hardship. Things will get better." She heard panic appearing in her voice.

"No, I felt like this for a while."

"Please, maybe if we go to counseling –"

"No." he said, firmly.

"If we could just –"

"I said no!" He got to his feet so fast that his chair toppled over.

Silence filled the kitchen.

"I want to see other people."

Cindy squeezed her eyes shut and choked back a cry. Marriage was everything she wanted, and she was the best wife she could be to him. Anger bubbled inside her from what he was doing to her. Seven years she was faithful and chose him over everything, even her family. Seven years she devoted to pleasing him.

Something snapped inside her. For better or worse, for sickness and health, for richer or poor, she realized those vows were empty promises. When he pushed the divorce papers to her, betrayal coursed through her veins.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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