The Avengers part 2

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*In an abandoned warehouse in Russia, a general and some thugs are interrogating a spy tied to a chair by the name of Natasha Romanoff.*

General Luchkov: *Russian* This is not how I wanted the evening to go

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General Luchkov: *Russian* This is not how I wanted the evening to go.
Natasha Romanoff: *Russian*  I know how you wanted this evening to go. Believe me, this is better.
Luchov: *Russian* Who are you working for? Lermentov, yes?
*One of the thugs threatens to drop the chair over the edge.*
Luchov: *Russian* Does he think we have to go through him to move our cargo?
Natasha: *Russian* I thought General Solohob was in charge of the export business.
Luchov: *Russian* Solohob, a bagman, a front. Your outdated information betrays you. The famous Black Widow. And she turns out to be simply another pretty face.
Natasha: *Russian* You really think I'm pretty?
Luchov: *Russian* Tell Lermentov we don't need him to move the tanks. Tell him he is out. Well...
*He walks over to a table filled with torture instruments. And proceeds to pick up a pair of large pliers.*
Luchov: You may have to write it down.
*One of the thugs gets a call on his cellphone and answers it.*
Thug: *Russian* It's for her.
*Luchov answers the phone.*
Luchov: *Russian* You listen carefully-
Coulson: You're at 114 Solenski Plaza, 3rd floor. We have an F22 exactly 8 miles out. Put the woman on the phone or I will blow up the block before you can make the lobby.
*Luchov places the phone between Natasha's ear and shoulder since she's tied up.*
Coulson: We need you to come in.
Natasha: Are you kidding? I'm working!
Coulson: This takes precedence.
Natasha: I'm in the middle of an interrogation and this moron is giving me everything.
Luchov:  I don't give everything.
Natasha: Look, you can't pull me out of this right now.
Coulson: Natasha. Barton's been compromised.
Natasha:... Let me put you on hold.
*When Luchov reaches for the phone, Natasha manages to headbutt him and begins beating up the thugs. Coulson hears it from his phone. She is able to free herself and after defeating the thugs, Natasha wraps a chain around the general's leg and dangles him off the edge. She then collects her heels and starts to leave.*
Natasha: Where's Barton now?
Coulson: We don't know.
Natasha: But he's alive.
Coulson: We think so. I'll brief you on everything when you get back. But first, we need you to talk to the big guy.
Natasha: Coulson, you know that Stark only trusts me about as far as he can throw me.
Coulson: No, I've got Stark. You get the big guy.
Natasha: Bozhe moi.

*In the slums of India, a little girl runs to a makeshift hospital that is treating people that are stricken by a sickness.*
Nurse: *Hindi* Who are you? Get out! There is a sickness here!
*A doctor by the name of Bruce Banner is treating patients infected by the illness.*


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