Chapter 1

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Harry was harshly woken up by his alarm clock he open his eyes slowly and turn off the alarm and sat up in his bed to mentally prepared himself for the day. After few minutes he got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

As he made his way down stairs he can hear his father snoring loudly and he rolled his eyes and made his way to the kitchen to have some breakfast. He didn't feel like going to work today but he have no other choice than to go work, he got a bit lost in making and eating his breakfast that he didn't realize he's gonna be late if he didn't hurry.

Harry cursed as his legs hurts cuz of running too fast, he breathe in relief as he saw the bakery he work in and went inside.

"Hello! Good morni- oh Harry dear it's you! Good morning" said Marybell the owner of the bakery.

"Good morning Mary. I'll get to work." He scratched the back of his neck knowing very well that he's late again.

Harry went to the changing room to get aprons and gloves. He met with his coworker as he get behind the counter.

"Ello lad! Late again?!.. " said Niall and laugh loudly.

"Good morning to you too Nialler" said Harry and rolled his eyes.

"Stop  your eyes so much or they'll get stuck up there someday" said Niall laughing.

"Whatever Nialler..." said Harry and rolled his eyes again and get behind the counter to get some work done.

Harry is a hard working boy and it shows in his work. He's a great baker and is sweet and polite to the customers, probably this is the reason he still have his job even if he's late on daily basis. Harry is 22 years old, single virgin boy who lives with his father Robin who he love dearly. And his mother, she left him and his father when he was fifteen to marry some wealthy guy. So he hated her for leaving him and his father behind as if they didn't mean anything to her.

Harry finished his school two years ago and wanted to get in the university but he's running low on money, his father work at a construction site so all his income goes into house rent, car, his drinking and other wrong habits. There's hardly any money left for food. So what Harry earn he buys food and save up to for uni.

After some time when Harry was packing eclairs for his customer, the bell chimed signaling that someone entered the shop. But Harry was too busy in work that he didn't notice them standing in front of the counter.

After a few seconds when he felt eyes on him he looked up to see a customer standing there to order. He mentally facepalm himself and put a smile on his face showing his bunny teeth and dimples and said "Oops! Sorry I didn't see you" he pause and said again "Good morning, what can I get for you"

He stop doing his work to take a look at the customer. He saw a boy standing there with a hint of blush on his cheeks (and Harry wonder why he's blushing) his eyes are so blue and has feathery hair, and he was wearing a hoodie that is too big on him. Harry wanted to see his whole body but he can't cuz of the counter in between them.

The blushy boy smiled back and said.. "H-hi! G-good morning, can I get a- a bi-big chocolate milkshake and tw-two chocolate muf-muffins..? "

He stutter so much Harry felt bad for the boy and told him to wait as he's getting his order ready.

He went in the kitchen to tell Niall the order of the stuttering boy and in ten minutes he was back to the counter to give the boy his order and said "here you go! Thank you for coming"

The boy blushed and said thank you and he's out of the door.

Harry think about why that boy was blushing madly but then next customer came and that thought was out of his mind as fast as it came.

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