Chapter 3

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Things were going fine. His work was fine too. But things were getting hard for Harry at home. His father was giving him a hard time....

One day when Harry was back at home from he heard some weird noises. At first he was sure that his father is not at home and there someone else in his house. But then when he listen to the noises more like loud moans coming from the other side of his house he slowly started walking towards his father's room.

As he stood in front of his father's room he couldn't understand what was happening. The door was slightly open he could see what was going in there., his father was on his bed fucking some mistress. A loud gasp left his mouth and that was enough for both of them to break from their intense moment. Robin was startled and embarrassed he immediately covered himself with the comforter.

"H-harry!? What are you doing here? " he said in shocked.

Instead of answering his father Harry glared at him and rushed outside the house. Angry tears were falling from his eyes. He was just so angry. So angry at his father for doing what he did in his house with that whore, on the shared bed of his parents. He's so angry at his mother too for leaving him and his father behind because she's the reason his father is miserable.

He's so angry at himself too for feeling that way, for still hoping that one day his mother will come back and then his parents will live as a happy couple and them as a happy family. He's so angry for hoping to be loved by someone. He's so angry. And so sad and broken.

He doesn't understand why it hurts so bad by seeing his father with someone else other than his mother but then again his father is like this because of his mother. And that breaks his heart. It's like his life is falling apart he already lost the one person he loved the most in the world and the other person is just wasting his life away. He's so lost. He doesn't know what to do with his life anymore.

Harry walked inside the bar hoping to get drunk tonight and forget everything that happened earlier at his house.

He sat at the bar stool and ordered two shots. The bartender placed the shots in front of him and he gulped them one by one feeling the burn in his throat.

He got drunk. Heavily. There are so many people who offered him drinks and dance he happily accepted drinks but politely declined the dance requests by making an excuse that he hurt his leg or something or he maybe danced with one or two people he doesn't remember. He's drunk asf. Sue him.

He was about to leave when someone tapped at his shoulder, he turned around and saw those similar blue pair of eyes and feathery hair and a cute button nose and thin pink lips were smiling at him.

"H-hi" he said softly.

"Heyy" Harry's speech was little slurred, he was confused at first then he remember who the boy is.

"You're dr-drunk" and giggled "wanna dance" and held his hand out for Harry.
Without saying anything he held his hand and let the boy lead him to the dance floor.

"T-thank you f-for the other day" he said as he slowly danced with him. Harry couldn't understand what he was thanking for "huh? " he said.

"Y-you gave m-me y-your muffins, remember?" his smile brightened as Harry nod his head rapidly.

"C-can I d-do that? " he asked while linking his hands around Harry's neck.

"I don't mind" Harry replied.

"What your name?"


"That's a nice name, Harry. I'm William."

After few minutes of dancing "I want you" said William still smiling.

"Excuse me" Harry stop dancing to look at William's face waiting for him to say he's joking or something.

"I l-like you Arry a-and I want t-to k-keep you" he said nervously.

Harry immediately made two feet distance between them, he's now more sober than he was before. "What the hell?! Are you fucking out of you mind? Do you think I'm some animal or something? " he yelled.

Tears were streaming down William's eyes, the words Harry said hurt him. He tried to hold Harry's hand to make his point but Harry pushed him lightly but the boy landed on his bum on the ground.

They both were shocked but Harry recovered fast and tried to pick up William but he refused to get his help and he angrily got up from the ground and wiped his tears. "YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!!!!" the boy spat angrily and he's out the door.

Harry got the third shock of the day. He didn't understand how the boy went from all nervous wreck to all confident and furious.

Just like this Harry is all sobered up.


Hope you like it :)
Love J<3

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