Chapter 4

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Double update..?
Yea cuz I love you😚
And thank you for reading my book and I PROMISE IT'LL GET GOOD LIKE REAL GOOD it's just the beginning so hold on my lovessss<3


Harry was distressed. It's been 4 days since the incident with William at the bar. He wanted to apologize the boy for pushing him but it was unintentional. Harry goes to work daily but not a single day William showed up at the bakery to buy his usual chocolate muffins and chocolate milkshake.

It was Friday when Harry got off work around 7pm. He and Niall were waiting for Zayn to pick them up as usual, there was no other vehicle in the lot except for one black Toyota Camry. They didn't payed much attention to it but they definitely saw a silhouette of a man sitting on the driver seat but they couldn't make out his face cuz the windows were all closed.

They were busy talking to each other in the car that they didn't notice the same car following them. They drop Harry at his house and after saying goodbye he went inside.

Harry woke up to his phone ringing, he sleeply reached for his phone and saw Niall was calling, "hello! " he said tiredly.

"WAKE UP YOU SLEEPY HEAD" Niall practically yelled into the phone.

"What the fuck Ni? It's too early for this shit and I'm tired" he mumbled slowly.

"Dude it's already half past twelve! " he yelled again.

"Can you quit yelling now!? "

"Alright! Get your flat ass up I'm on way to pick you up"

"For what?! " Harry questioned now fully awake.

"IT WAS YOUR FUCKING IDEA TO TRY THE NEW RESTAURANT, REMEMBER?! We decided to have lunch there. " Niall groaned.

Harry giggled at the realization and Niall muttered "dumb fucker" before hanging up.


"Hey dude" Zayn greeted Harry as he climbed on the back seat.

"Hi mate, hi leprechaun" Harry greeted back, "Fuck off curly and you know there was a black car in your driveway but when they saw us coming they drove away.. " Niall said with knitted eyebrows.

"What car? " Harry asked looking at the driveway.

"Well I don't know" Niall simply said.

"Well I don't know" Harry mocked Niall "then what were you doing you dumbass?!"

"Henry that's rude!"

"I don't care and that's not my name"

"Fuck off you unhealthy dirty swine!! I was trying to help"

"Help?!" Harry mocked again and scoff.

"Oh my fucking god you're the biggest asshole on this fucking planet"

"Thank you" Harry smirked

"I think it was a Toyota Camry? I'm not sure" said Zayn after their banter was over, "start behaving like adults you too my head hurts"

"Sorry Zaynie" Niall apologized sincerely.

"Sorry Zaynie boo" Harry said in baby voice mocking Niall again. And the banter start all over again....


When they got out of restaurant they were talking about food and all while walking towards their car, from the corner of the eye Niall saw that car again and he immediately was pointing towards it "LOOK THAT'S THE CAR THAT WAS IN YOUR DRIVEWAY THIS MORNING, HARRY!! "

"Yea! It's the same car" Zayn agreed, "and yea it's really a Toyota Camry, I was right" he looked kinda proud.

"What!? So you we're not messing with me? A-are they f-following us? " Harry gulped feeling scared.

"What? No! Don't worry we both just happened to be at the place, at the same time" Niall assure. "Yea Harry don't worry!" Zayn agreed.

They all got in the car and went to Niall's house to play with new Xbox he has recently bought. But was restless all the way to Niall's house, he constantly was feeling as someone was following them but the boys told him not to worry and he's just paranoid. So he threw that thought outside the window and was ready to have some fun with the lads.


Hope you like it :)

If you have any ideas for the book please comment me, thank you💜

Love J<3

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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