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Dear readers ,

First of all , I want to apologize for being a little late in my writing updates . I had planned to take a short break and then resume , but life had other plans .
You guys might not know but I have 2 cats and 1 dog whom I rescued , or you can say they rescued me . My dog is now 3 years old and the cats will be of one on July 25th .

So , I have never put any restriction on them since they are animals and have right to roam around freely . But on 18th April one of my cat went missing , at first I thought that she might be roaming on the roof or probably went to my neighbour's house because sometimes they went to their home as they also love them . But at night when she didn't came back I got worried and asked my neighbour's about it but shockingly she didn't visit them .

No matter where they roam around at the end they had the habit to sleep in my room with me which was making me suspicious that something has happened to her because she literally never sleep anywhere except my room . 9 days passed , and I was still searching for her and there was no sign , even my second cat wasn't eating and sleeping properly and got so thin that even his ribs started showing . I was also worried and couldn't sleep and eat properly and even in my classes I was always thinking about her because letting go someone is not something I can do easily. It's hard .

I was praying to God that atleast give me a sign whether she is alive or not , then on 26th April one of our neighbour called me at around 8: 00 a.m that there is a cat hiding in their store room , come and check it if it's yours. I literally run there and thank to god it was my cat but she was so weak as if there was only skin on her bones and no flesh . I picked her up in my lap but she was unable to meow , I thought she got so weak and that's why she can't meow .

Then I took her home and tried to feed her but she wasn't having anything , then I tried to give her some water , she took a sip of it , but to my surprise there were some blood drops in the water after she had it . I got more worried . The whole time she was hiding under my bed and wasn't even coming near me . I was never a cat parent until last year and I read somewhere that if your cat is about to die she will start avoiding you and hide.
So I took her to vet and there he told me that there are some wounds on her neck , and she is bleeding internally , maybe someone had attacked on her neck . Then they kept her there for almost one week for treatment .

Fortunately she is doing fine now and my other cat is also eating well but unfortunately she lost her voice. And it hurts to see her struggling to meow and trying hear her own voice. But I'm thankful to god that she is atleast
recovering well and also getting used to this unfortunate incident. I can't even tell you guys how hard this whole month was .

But that's what life is , it's unpredictable.

The photo is inverted because she was hiding under my bed and I somehow managed to take this picture to update my cousin about her situation so that we could go to the vet together

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The photo is inverted because she was hiding under my bed and I somehow managed to take this picture to update my cousin about her situation so that we could go to the vet together . At that time she wasn't even able to close her mouth properly.

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