The Cave

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*Six years later*

*Y/n's PoV*

It has been about six years since I've reincarnated as one of the dragonets of destiny, and right now, I was watching a sparring match between Clay and Kestrel, who was beating the hell out of Clay.

Kestrel: "Fight!" She howled at him, before flinging him across the cavern. Clay crashed into the rock wall and scrambled up again, trying to spread his mud-colored wings for balance. Red talons raked at his face and he ducked away. "Come on," the red dragon snarled. "Stop holding back. Find the killer inside you and let it out."

Clay: "I'm trying!" Clay said. "Maybe if we could stop and talk about it-" He tried to say, but she didn't listen and lunged for him again.

Kestrel: "Feint to the left! Roll right! Use your fire!" Clay tried to duck under her wing to attack her from below, but of course he rolled the wrong way. One of her talons smashed him to the ground, and he yelped with pain. "WHICH LEFT WAS THAT, USELESS?" Kestrel bellowed in his ear. "Are all MudWings this stupid? OR ARE YOU JUST DEAF?"

Well, if you keep that up, he will be soon, Y/n thought. The Sky Wing lifted her claws and he wriggled free.

"I don't know about other MudWings," he protested, licking his sore talons. "Obviously. But perhaps we could try fighting without all the shouting and see" He stopped, hearing the familiar hiss that came before one of Kestrel's fire attacks.

He threw his wings over his head, tucked his long neck in like a turtle, and rolled into the maze of stalagmites that studded one corner of the cave. Flames blasted the rocks around him, singeing the tip of his tail.

Kestrel: "Coward!" the old hag dragon bellowed. She smashed one of the rock columns into a shower of sharp black pebbles. Clay covered his eyes and almost immediately felt her stamp down hard on his tail.

Clay: "OW!" he yelled. "You said stomping tails was cheating!" He seized the closest stalagmite between his claws and scrabbled up on top of it. From his perch near the roof, he glared down at his guardian.

Kestrel: "I'm your teacher," Kestrel snarled. "Nothing I do is cheating. Get down here and fight like a SkyWing."

Y/n: "That's bull shit! Plus he's NOT a SkyWing, he's a MudWing!" I yelled out to Kestrel, who simply glared at me.

Clay "Can't I fight one of the others?" He asked. "I'm much better at that." The other dragonets were nearly his own size (Well except for me who was larger than him), and they didn't cheat, well, most of the time, I still remember when Sunny pit dirt in my eyes. He actually liked fighting with them, well expected for me since I always curbed stomped him.

Kestrel "Oh, yes? Which opponent would you prefer, the stunted SandWing or the lazy RainWing?" Kestrel said. "Because I'm sure you'll get to choose out on the battlefield." Her tail glowed like embers as she lashed it back and forth.

Y/n: "Hey! Glory's not lazy!" Y/n said annoyed at Kestrel for mocking his friend. "She's just not into fighting. Plus brawn isn't the only thing that matters! Brains is also important, which is something that you clearly lack." I said with venom in my voice.

Kestrel: "STOP YAMMERING!" She yelled at me in a fury

Kestrel: "AND YOU GET DOWN HERE!" Kestrel roared AT Clay.

Clay: "Damn it Y/n! Now you made her mad!" He yelled a bit panicked, as she reared up on her back legs and flared her wings so she'd looked bigger.

With a yelp of alarm, Clay tried to leap to the next stalagmite, but his wings unfurled too slowly and he smacked into the side of it instead. Sparks flew as his claws scraped down the jagged rock. He let out another yowl of pain as Kestrel snaked her head between the columns, seized his tail in her teeth, and yanked him out into the open.

The Dragon Knight (Wings Of Fire X Male Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin