Chapter 20

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As days passed by with Wat and Tine working together and getting closer, they laughed, had fun, and went to lunch together. Tine couldn't remember the last time he felt this comfortable and happy around someone else.

However, one evening, they stayed late at the office to work on a particularly difficult presentation. Although a small part of him didn't want to admit it, Tine was exhausted, unable to focus on Wat's explanation about the data on the screen. With all his friends gone for the day, fatigue finally knocked him out on the office couch. It's not until hours later when Sarawat decided to head to the restroom before going home that he saw the sight before him.

Tine was curled up asleep on the couch, his cheeks squeezed to make a pout, eyelashes fanned on his cheeks. His soft lips were lightly parted as he inhaled and exhaled rhythmically. In this innocent picture, Sarawat forgot his concerns. He walked towards Tine, the sound of his steps muffled by the thick carpet underneath his shoes. Carefully as if he was afraid of startling the sleeping person, he pulled the thick woven blanket from his chair and draped it over Tine's slumbering form.

As he gazed down at Tine's peaceful face, a surge of tenderness blossomed in his chest. He couldn't explain what possessed him, but slowly he leaned forward and placed a fleeting kiss on Tine's forehead.

'AAAAARGH WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED??!!!' Tine's inner voices screamed , leaving Tine's heart panicking alone.

Tine remained asleep even though in reality, his consciousness hadn't fallen silent since Sarawat walked through the door. His lids tightened when he felt the first touches of Sarawat's gaze, not wanting to show himself and pretend he was already asleep. When he felt something being tugged by his side, he imagined that it was him getting up from the couch and sleepily wrapping himself up with a cozy bedspread instead. Then came the final and most delicate, a swift tap-like sensation near his brow's arch. That touch , he felt it tingling his spine. Tine knew without even opening his eyes; it was Sarawat who kissed him. He remained inert, unsure how to process what just transpired between them. When he heard Sarawat moving again, slowly he drifted as soundly as one could pretend.


The next morning, Sarawat arrived at the office early, hoping to catch Tine before he got too busy. He found Tine already at his desk, working on a pile of paperwork.

"Good morning, cutie," Wat said with a grin.

Tine looked up from his work and smiled. "Good morning , Wat," he said.

Sarawat's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't believe how beautiful Tine was, even though he looked like he needed some sleep.

"You look tired," wat said. "Did you sleep well?"

Tine nodded. "Yeah, I did," he said.

They continued working on their project for a few hours. Sarawat couldn't take his eyes off of Tine. He was mesmerized by Tine's every move.

"You're sooo cute," Sarawat said softly.

Tine blushed. "Oh, thanks," he said.


(in break time with Nani)

Bright grinned, feeling a bit sheepish under Nani's questioning gaze. "Okay, okay, you got me. Maybe I am a little obsessed."

Nani smirked. "A little? Wat, you practically stalk the boy."

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