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Chapter 31College

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Chapter 31


Victoria hasn't spoken to Stefan for a few months because he didn't want to see her. He was in denial. His brother was dead. And she didn't want to call him because she knew he would be mad at her.  Victoria spent the whole summer with Tyler. They got closer. Then Tyler was hybrid and Victoria was a werewolf but now he is a werewolf and she is a hybrid.

Before going back to the college, Victoria decided to visit babies she gave birth to. Everyone in her friend group has seen the twins expect Sabrina. And it angered her because everyone was against her seeing her children. Sabrina hasn't talked to neither of her friends expect Caroline who hasn't seen babies as well.

Victoria was in Rebekah's house where she played with Lily while Jason was eating to Henry and Hope. Rebekah was out of house to buy some food for babies.

"Have you talked to my stubborn twin yet?" Jason asked her and Victoria shook her head.

"She is mad at all of us. She is only talking to Caroline and Elena. She doesn't want to see any of us." Victoria explained and Jason nodded. Lily touched her hand and siphoned from her. "Ahh!" Victoria hissed in pain. Jason sighed running to Lily and taking her in his arms. "What was that?"

"She started siphoning the magic." He  said as he stayed with Lily and Victoria went to Henry and Hope.

"We have to do something or she will lose control." She said and started eating to Hope and Henry.

"I know but I never learned anything about siphoning. Sabrina is only one who knows it." He said. "Neither Ellie knows it. She hasn't used it since she turned into vampire."

"Maybe we can ask Liv or Luke."

"No!" Jason yelled. "No one can know about Lily, Henry or Hope . It has to stay as a secret." He said loudly and Lily started crying.

"Okay, calm down. You are scaring her."

"I am sorry, I am so sorry." He said and continued playing with Lily. She calmed down and quickly fell asleep in his arms.

"Wow." Victoria said surprised.

"She hasn't slept the whole night." Jason told her and took baby to the room.


Rick is teaching a class at Whitmore, which Elena, Veronica and Sabrina happened to be in.

Alaric is writing on the blackboard in front of class 'Occult: the word in its literal translation means hidden.'

Instead of following along with the lecture, Elena has a notebook laid up in front of her face while she drinks blood from a cup. Sabrina gives her a look with smile while Elena shrugs. The girls giggle silently. Victoria sees them and is jealous of Elena. She looks angry.

𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗛𝗘𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗥 𝗢𝗙 𝗟𝗢𝗖𝗞𝗪𝗢𝗢𝗗𝗦 | TᐯᗪWhere stories live. Discover now