Chapter 3

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Of course.. the one day your life doesn't look perfect, you sit next to a cute surfer boy, who is totally your type. I awkwardly sit down next to him, giving a gawky smile. He looks up at me with the most beautiful and heart throbbing smile. My stomach does a little flip. I've seen this guy before, at the beach to be precise. A group of college students likes to have beach parties. I was invited a few times and I'd always see him there. His charming blue eyes would glitter in the sun. Even though I admire him, we've never really talked a whole lot. 

I begin to set up my computer until I notice a note next to me. I pick it up and start reading, "hey, are you doing okay?" He even notices how late I am, probably notices the awful stench coming from sweater. I start to write a reply on the note, "yeah, I'm fine. Just woke up late." I put a smiley face on the note. He gives me a slightly concerned look but then smiles. Does he know my kryptonite? 

I can hardly focus on the class, I keep looking at him thinking he'll look back at me. He's dead focused on the professor. It's annoying that he won't look back but what can I do about it? In the middle of that thought, everyone starts getting up, and he then looks at me. 

"Hey, it's time to go." "Go where?" I said stupidly. "I don't know," he laughs, "wherever you need to. Class is over." My cheeks feel hot after realizing how absurd my question was. I get up and out of his way but as I'm doing so he quickly grabs my sweatshirt. He probably shouldn't touch it.  Especially since I haven't washed it and, who knows what's on that thing. I turn anyways meeting his endearing blue eyes. "Would you want to get breakfast with me?" He asks shyly which is super adorable to me. I am a little stunned, though. The guy I've only ever seen at the beach or at campus is asking me to get breakfast? "Yes, I'd love to." I say quickly, not realizing I used the word love. Why love? 

We start heading to the cafe when I realize. I don't think I know his name. C. R. A. P. I try running through a list of names, just random names from people I know. I'm pretty sure his name begins with a J? Or maybe an H? Or maybe a T? This is bad. Imagine how hurt he'd be if I don't remember his name, he probably knows mine since he asked me to breakfast. Or maybe I'm overthinking. Hopefully he just wants to know me better. 

I grab my breakfast,  a yogurt with granola and a cup of orange juice. He grabs sausages, eggs, and coffee. So grown up of him to get coffee. I hate coffee. It always makes me feel sick. We grab a table, sitting across from each other. An awkward smile forms on my lips and before I ask some small talk question, like 'what's your grandmas favorite colour?' But before I ask, he spits out the question I've been wondering. "This'll sound rude but, what's your name?" I laugh in relief. "I was wondering the same about you! My name is Aurea. What's yours?" He smiles, looking very relieved. "My name is  Kai." I mean why wouldn't he have an attractive name? "Why'd your parents name you that?" I ask very politely, it's always intriguing to hear how people got their names. 

"My dad is Hawaiian and my mother is Greek. In Hawaiian, Kai means 'the sea.' And in Greek it means 'keeper of the keys; earth.' I find it very fitting, since I love surfing the beach. What about your name?" I think I like Kai even more now, he has the most perfect name! "My moms said of the family is Greek, and my dads side is Italian. Trust me, I won't get the mafia to hurt you," I laugh dryly, hoping he finds it funny. He does fortunately. "In Italian, Aurea means 'golden.' And in Greek it means basically the same, but it can also mean magnificent. I mean I am a pretty magnificent person, so it makes sense why that name was given to me." He snorts, and I feel my heart beat fasten. 

We both finish our meals. Our conversations weren't heavy but fun and light. It was real nice talking to him. "Before you go, can we exchange numbers?" Is he in love with or something?! "Of course! It's be fun to keep in touch." And so I guess this makes us friend, right? 

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