Chapter 4

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I drive back to my dorm, after my enjoyable breakfast with Kai. As I turn my key in the dorm's key hole, my traumatic morning rushes back. Do I really want to go back and just sit, sit thinking about what the message could say? I guess what's the worse she can say? Blame me for cutting off the friendship? Even though she was the one who totally started to ignoring me. Yeah! Why should I be the one getting blamed when it wasn't even me who screwed the friendship up? So I boldly unlock the dorm's door and settle down on my loving bed. Hesitantly, I unlock my phone and open the damned app instagram. I scroll through the DMs and find her name. Kendra. I let out a long groan. I press her name and read the message that's been sent. 

"Hey, Aurea! It's been so long. I hope you've been doing well in the past several years. I'm not sure if you've heard the good news... but I'm getting married! Which is why I'm sending this message. I'd be very pleased if you stood next to me as the maid of honor. You've made an impact on my life and it'd be amazing if you could make the celebration even more meaningful. I couldn't imagine anyone else filling this role. I hope we can eventually catch up and talk about how your life's been! With much love, Kendra." 

I'm confused. Why me as the maid of honor! We haven't talked in years and now she just wants me to arrive? I really don't want to think about the texts. I don't want to think about anything at all! I don't want to think about Kai, Kendra, or school. I just want to not be here, be somewhere else. Somewhere between the world and the universe. I know I can't just evaporate, so it's time to blast music and go for a run. I put on a pair of shorts and a tank top. I head to my Jeep and drive to a park. The music I'm playing is very upbeat but my heart can't help but ache. I start the watch to time my paces, mainly to help distract myself from thinking too hard. But how could she invite? She never even told me she had a boyfriend! How was I suppose to know that she was even married? I mean, forget the fact I've stalked her account.. how was I suppose to know otherwise? And she didn't just invite me, she asked if I could be the maid of honor. 

I look down at my watch. A 5:55 minute pace. Why am I going so fast? I don't think I'm necessarily mad at her. But something doesn't feel right. I decide running isn't going to help me. I decide to at least run back to the car. When I get back to my Jeep, I notice an incoming call. A call from Kai to be precise. Why him, and right now? I pick up and shakily say 'hello?' He sounds so happy as he shyly whispers 'hey.' All my worries seem to fade away when I hear his soft voice on the other line. I smile. "Would you be up for the beach this weekend? I'm inviting a few other people. We can do surfing, swimming, ice cream, that type of stuff." "Ice cream!?" I say excitedly. "Yeah, the guys and I usually get ice cream after surfing." "That's cute.." I whisper under my breath. "Huh? What'd you say?" "Uh... nothing! I'd love to join you guys! What time?" "Be ready by 9:00. I can pick you up if you'd like." "That'd be perfect! I live at the dorms." I can't help but giggle a little when I'm nervously excited for something; I'll laugh. "Awesome. I'll see ya then." I can't believe we're going to the beach together! Well... with other people, of course, but still. I happily drive back to my dorms. I should probably do my laundry so he doesn't think I'm stinky. After the sweater thing, I don't want to risk it. 

I decide to clean my whole dorm. A clean space makes a clear mindset. I'm not sure what I say sometimes, but it's okay. Hopefully Kai's also okay with that. I giggle to myself and get a giddy sensation. Time to blast a romantic playlist! 

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