I Realize That I Am Not Athletic! (To Nobody's Surprise)

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I jolted awake and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I woke up to an empty classroom and Professor Rivershire slowly cleaning the chalkboard while looking at me in disappointment.

"What did I- SKYLAR DID YOU JUST BLAST THE CIRCLE OF LIFE INTO MY EAR?!" I said, turning to glare at my snickering friend.

"Hey, I didn't do it! She did!" Skylar said, pointing at a girl who was staring at me, grinning like a maniac. She had green eyes with black hair cut into a bob and warm beige skin. She wore a white t-shirt with a green jacket on top of it and blue jeans with brown shoes. She had a floral backpack slung over her shoulder that made it very obvious that she had earth powers.

"Why?!" I cried, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"With all due respect, I saw a student dosing off when they shouldn't be dozing off. I was doing my due diligence by waking you up to the sound of life calling to you." she smiled innocently.

"Fine." I groaned.

"I'm sorry, fellow chaos buddy, but I don't think I ever caught your name?" Skylar got up from her seat and ran over to shake hands with the girl who was getting ready to leave.

"My name is Avishi Terranox, and it was my pleasure to cause chaos with you. Although, next time we wake your friend up, can we use a BTS song? They're my favorite K-pop band and I know a lot of good songs that are perfect for waking people up!"

"Of course! As long as I get to annoy Cyra at 9:22 in the morning!" she said cheekily. I have never wanted to slap someone silly in the face as much as this moment (and I've dealt with my share of annoying individuals way too many times than I've liked)

"Well, off I go! See ya, Your Highnesses!" And with that, she bounded out of the room to her next class like her life depended on it.

Once she left, I got up and started walking towards Skylar, who had been attempting to sneak away while I watched Avishi leave for her next class.

"Speaking of classes, I got to go to," she took a quick peek at the small piece of paper she had in her hand, "Environmental Sciences. So, bye!" and with that, she sprinted out the door before I could give her a piece of my mind.

"I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!!!" I said, shaking my fist at her. I then quickly pulled out my schedule from my back pocket to see what class I had next.

"Ugh, I have gym?!" I groaned aloud, crumpling the paper as I shoved it back into my pocket, already knowing I was deeply screwed.

Rivershire must have overheard my complaining, as he chuckled at my demise while continuing to clean the chalkboard.

"If it makes you feel better, the building is not too far away from the Water Building. If you just walk fast, you will definitely make it before the time runs out. And if Coach Quasar tries to yell at you, just say that I held you back to help me clean the chalkboard."

"Thank you so much!" I said, quickly walking off towards the next class.

At first, I had listened to my teacher and decided to take my own sweet time. However, once I realized that I only had 5 minutes to get to my next hour and I was not nearly close enough to the building where the gym was, I started sprinting like I was running away from my life's problems (which, believe it or not, tends to happen a lot). When I got to the gym, I was breathing so heavily that when I sat down on the floor surrounded by a plethora of kids, a majority of them looked at me like I either had two heads or I was a lost puppy.

The gym was a standard high school gym, from the alabaster walls to the squeaky floors glistening with god know what to the overarching stench of wax and sweat mixing together. I stared at the ground to not make any awkward eye contact with the people around me and found myself spaced out. I was so out of it, I didn't notice Astra coming over until I felt a shadow leaning over me.

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