A Catman Stuck In A Tree-Chapter One (Eric Singer #1)🌳

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Paul, Gene, Eric, and Tommy were enjoying the normal side of life after finishing their final concert at Madison Square Garden.

It was great being able to do fun things together that they always had wanted to do, but couldn't because of touring.

One day, Eric Singer was meeting up with the guys at McDonald's.

He was enjoying himself while listening to music on his phone.

As he walked along through the city, a dog that had escaped from its owner started barking at him.


Eric ran away from the animal, but it began to cause him and he climbed a tree to escape.

The dog continued barking at him.

Meanwhile, Paul, Gene, and Tommy were still waiting for Eric at McDonald's.

Tommy looked at his watch.

"It's already been fifteen minutes".

"Let's go find him".

Paul suggested.

Together, they began searching for the drummer.

They didn't have to look very far.

Because right at the top of a tree, was Eric Singer.

He was terrified of the dog and wouldn't climb down until it was out of sight.

"Eric, did you climb a tree to get away from a dog"?

The three of them were all trying to hold back their laughter.

"Um...yeah. I thought he was gonna—-"

Then, Eric noticed that Paul was taking a video of him with his phone.

"Paul, what the heck?! Stop it"!

Eric said with an embarrassed look while blushing.

"Aw, come on Eric. This is really funny".

Paul grinned at the Catman with a mischievous look, and Gene and Tommy both started laughing.

"I'm serious! I don't want you putting that on social media".

"Okay, I'll stop".

Paul saved the video and put his phone in his pocket.

"So, how are we going to get him down from that tree"?

Gene asked.

"I guess one of us while have to lure him with cat treats",

Paul, and he and the others started laughing.

"Not funny guys"!

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