Rain Frogs-Chapter Three (Paul Stanley #1) 🐸

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I was about to show the greatest frontman ever, Paul Stanley, something that he's never seen before.

After telling their manager Doc McGhee, I politely asked him to bring the surprise to Paul's house.

When he arrived, I thanked him and then he left.

I carried my surprise in a box because I didn't want to cause injury to it.

"What have you got to show me"?

Paul asked.


I opened the box and a cute little frog hopped out onto my hand.

"What is that thing"?

"It's a rain frog".

I picked up the rain frog and held him in between my fingers.

It became defensive and puffed up its round little body, opened its mouth, and let out a high-pitched squeak.

"Haha, that is cute".

Paul gently held the rain frog as it continued to squeak.

"That's what they do when they're defending themselves".

Then, Gene, Eric, and Tommy came to see what all the commotion was about.

"I didn't know that you guys were here".

I grinned with excitement.

"We went out to get Starbucks".

Eric explained, and Gene held up even they got.

My eyes went wide with surprise. 

"Can I have some? Pretty please"?

I gave them the puppy-dog eyes.

The guys all chuckled at the cute face I was making.

"Sure, you can".

Eric grinned.

We all set up the Starbucks doughnuts and drinks at the kitchen table.

There were regular glazed doughnuts and my mouth watered at the fresh warm scent.

"Here you go sweetheart".

Paul had kindly fixed me a plate and I giggled and blushed, then said thank you.

While we were eating, the rain frog became curious about what we were doing.

He hopped out of the box and onto the table.

"Hey! Don't you dare touch that".

Gene scolded them, and the little creature went into defense mode again.

It puffed up its chubby little body, opened its mouth, and let out a high-pitched squeak.

"That's cute".

Eric laughed.

I held out my hand and let the rain frog hop over.

"Ssshh...it's okay. KISS is our friend, not enemy".

I said to the rain frog.

Soon, the rest of them were hopping out of the box.

Tommy reached out and picked it up and put it on his arm, and it puffed up its body, opened its mouth and let out a high-pitched squeak.

"See, I told you that they're cute".

I said to Paul, and he chuckled.

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