Thunderstorm-Chapter Four (Eric Singer #2) ⛈️

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There was a thunderstorm outside, and we were stuck inside for time being.

I was playing on my phone and then a bolt of lightning came, along with some thunder, and it scared Eric.

He ran towards me and hid behind the sofa I was sitting in.

The rest of them chuckled at that.

"Chill out, man. It's just a little thunder".

Paul said.

"Easy for you to say..."

Eric mumbled out loud, and felt a shiver go down his spine when he felt something touching him.

I was petting his hair like you would do to a real cat.

"What are you doing"?

He asked, blushing embarrassingly.

"Comforting you".

I giggled and continued to pet his hair.

"I'm not a little kitty you know".

Eric tried to hide his blushing, but the rest of the guys could clearly see his cheeks turning red.

Then, I started petting his ears.

"Stop it, my ears are sensitive".

"Aw, but they're sooo fluffy"!

I giggled some more.

Paul, Gene, and Tommy were laughing as they watched us.

"Seriously, I'm not a little kitty".

Eric really wanted to push my away, but he found it hard.

"Well, you act like one".

I moved on to pet the back of his neck, which he found to be relaxing.

He started making happy and content meowing noises.

Paul took out his phone and began recording a video of me and Eric.

"Such a good whittle kitty cat".

I cooed, moving onto his abdomen.

"H-hey! That's off limits! Stop doing—oh my God".

Eric was blushing even more and then he started to purr.

"Aw, this is cute".

I gently kiss his little black silver nose, and he blushes even further, and then smiled.

"You want some cat treats"?

I asked him.


The guys continued laughing as I took out some treats that I like to give to my own cat.

He ate them from my hand and continued purring.

"This is a side of the Catman we rarely get to see".

Gene grinned, then held up his phone to start recording a video of Eric and I.

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